Chapter 8

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The alarm went off, startling me. I groaned lightly and reached my hand out to turn it off. ‘I forgot to turn it off yesterday.’ I was exhausted. I could not even open my eyes. After turning it off, I again covered myself with the duvet.

Just then I received a call which made me groan loudly and I took my phone. I sat on my bed and without even seeing the caller id, I answered the call. “Hello! What's the matter! Why can’t anyone let me have a peaceful sleep!" I spoke irritatingly.

“Sorry babe!” she laughed. It was Ashley. “Ash! What's the matter?” I spoke, lying back down. “Nothing, I called you to ask how the ride was yesterday?” she said. “Ride?”
“Yes, with Rey!” It then clicked my mind. “Ashley are you for real?! I mean you literally called me and ruined my sleep to ask this? Oh god!” and she again  started laughing.

“Come on tell me, how was it?” I could sense her smirking. “Ash drop this
question.” I spoke in a sleepy voice.
“Oh, come on! Why don’t you just tell me!” She whined like a baby. “Ash there’s nothing to tell anyone. It was just a normal ride!” My voice was getting back to normal.

“It was just a normal ride. Hahaha.” she said mockingly. “Stop it, Ash.” “By the way, he looked sexy yesterday!” she spoke. “Ash if you have called me to
talk about him, then I'll hang up.” I spoke sternly “Wait, wait, wait! I won’t talk about him.” “That’s better.” “By the way, are you really not interested in him?” she asked, “Ash!” I sat on my bed and spoke. “Okay, okay, sorry. I'm hanging up, you get freshen up. Bye.” She laughed and cut the call.

Now, I was completely awake. I looked at the time and it was 8:30. ‘This girl is an idiot.’ I sighed and went out of my bed. I did my morning routine and went downstairs. I saw my parents at the dining table. “Good morning mom, dad.” “Good morning, dear.” They wished back. “You woke up early.” my mom said.

“I didn’t wake up; I was woken up by Ash. She had called me.” My mom laughed. “How was the event?” dad asked. “It was great! We enjoyed it to our fullest.” I replied.

“By the way, with whom did you come home last night?” asked dad. “With a boy. His name’s Rey Thompson. He dropped me in his car. He was the choreographer for the participants of the event.” I replied. “Oh, I see.” my dad spoke.

“Is he handsome?” my mom asked, giving me a cheeky smile, to which my dad laughed. “Mom, are you serious?” I gave her a questionable look.

My parents are frank with me. Well, my mom is franker. I share everything with
them. They have no issue with me having a boyfriend. But I didn’t find one till yet.

I slurped the juice and we three had a good talk for about half an hour. “Okay, I'm leaving for the office. Bye.” My father spoke after finishing his meals. I hugged him and bid him bye.

In the evening, I went to my room and took a seat in front of my piano. I played the tune of the song ‘My Heart Will Go On’, from the movie Titanic.

This song is my Favorite one. I closed my eyes and felt the music touching my heart. I started to sing the song. I don’t know why, but every time I hear this song, I get goosebumps. At the end there’s a high note, which I always miss. But surprisingly this time, I managed to hit it perfectly.

After finishing the song, I opened my eyes. A smile crept on my lips. I sighed and spoke, “I feel so relaxed.” Then I remembered how I played the piano as a kid. I laughed at the memory. “Rose!” my mom called me from downstairs.

“Yes mom.” I went out of my room. “I’m going to the grocery store.” “Mom. Can I come with you?” “Sure, no problem!” I hurriedly went inside my room, grabbed my phone and walked downstairs. “Let’s go.” I spoke.

My Heart Will Go OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora