love hate relationship

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Goliath pov:
After lunch, I went to 4th period and sat in the back. It usually took the teacher 10 minutes to get to class so I just put on my headphones and turned on 21st century's digital boy by bad religion. After 15 minutes, the teacher came in breathing heavily like he ran the Olympics."Alright turds, today we are gonna do a partner project." A student raised their hand. "Can we pick our own partners?" The teacher looked at him like he said the N word. "No you idiot I am. You think I'm gonna trust a bunch of 15 yo's of picking, especially last time?" The student who asked looked embarrassed after that. "But before we do all of that we have a new student." Why the fuck didn't he say that first? "Come in ms.shakespher!" The teacher yelled out. The door flew open and a girl yelled out. "Finally! I have been out there for 20 minutes!" Why do I recognize that voice? Then the short lion hair girl from earlier came in. Oh for fuck sake why her and why now. "Introduce yourself" the teacher said sitting down at his desk. "My name is Lux Shakesphere and I like poetry." For 5 seconds the entire class was dead silent. "Okay, I guess thats it. Go sit by lazy ass over there. Goliath Raise your hand." "Bite me!" I yelled out. I raised my hand and Lux mood was normal to killer real quick. She like me. She walked towards the empty seat next to me and sat down. I tapped on her shoulder and she looked at me like a lion about to pounce on her prey. "We meet again Hermosa" I said with a smirk on my face. "Don't talk to me with your annoying language or any language" she said with venom in her voice. I don't think she heard the racist in that sentence. I just kept my shit eating smirk on my face and looked forward to the teacher "Alright back to what I was saying before. We are gonna have a partner project and I'm choosing your partners." The whole class groaned about the idea of doing a project with someone they probably don't know. "Oh shut up your grown ass babies, now your partner is the person sitting next to you." Oh this is gonna be fun. I turned my head slowly to Lux with my smile reaching ear to ear with 2 thumbs up while Lux face was still looking up front with the biggest frown I have ever seen. She slowly looked at me and I heard her whisper cronus, give me strength which I giggled to. "Alright the project is making a house that will survive a tsunami." The entire class groaned again. The bell rang. I ran to Lux since she was trying to get as far from me as possible. "Alright you sketch plane's and I'll make the house, plan?" She just looked at me and sighed "fine" Then went to her 5th.

After school, I was walking out of class until I was met by Alice and Krat. "Hey stupid" Alice said. "Hey Alice,  hey Krat." "Hey Goliath who's your partner for the science project?" Krat said. "Oh I got Lux the new kid" I answered. "The girl who bumped into you?" Alice questioned. I nodded. Krat eyes lit up with happiness but it was mixed with horror when I said her name. "You got THE LUX!!" Krat yelled which made everybody look at us "Yeah,why? She famous or something" I said concerned. "At her last school she was like queen bee who had basically slaves. If anybody dissed her she would beat them to a bloody pulp." Krat told the 2 girls. "And you're happy why?" Alice questioned. "Im happy because she's like the same with our mentally unstable isolated friend over here." Krat said winking. "Hey fuck your my mental health is fine and I don't need a girlfriend, I have you 2 dipshits. "And me" a voice appeared which made me groaned. "I didn't do shit. Today." I said to the cop. "That we know of. But I'm just here to take you to your place so it can stay like that." November told me. "Uugh fine, later dumb and dumber" I said as I got into the cop car so did november. "So, how was your day at school?" He said "your not my dad, you don't have to talk to me" I said with a sigh. "Oh okay" he said. I glanced at him and he looked really sad. "*sigh* it was good" I said trying to make him feel better which worked. "Oh uh d-did you meet any new people or did just sticker with the usual?" "Actually I did meet someone new but we hate eachother at the moment and Krat is trying to get us together apparently" I said with a small smile on my face. "What's their name?" He asked "her name is Lux." I said smiling more. "Mm Latin and I see you like her" My face turned light pink. "N-NO, I DIDNT SAY THAT!"  I screamed at the cop. "Hahaha you totally do you masochist hahahaha!" My face turned red. "So how did you meet her?" "I bumped into her when I was running to lunch." "Why were you running?" "The teacher was about to give me detention but the bell rang so I took off before he could say anything." November looked me with a angry face. "Why were you gonna get detention?" He said trying to keep his cool. " I fell asleep in his class ON ACCIDENT!, by the way" he sighed "you have to stop working on your robots at night." "Your know I have sleeping problems and there's nothing else to do at my place." I argued. "How about you stay at my place. I have some sleeping pills over there and we could watch a movie play games, tell stories hows about it kid?" I liked how he is trying to be a parent figure for me since I'm a orphan. " Alright but I get first pick on movie." He just smiled and turned the car around.

Here is a second chapter I'll post every week but for now we shall praise this photo

And I might change the cover so look out for my name if you want to continue the story or just remember the name of the story.

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