Give it Time.

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I knew you liked me.
I knew you loved me.
But what if there was another girl?
Yet when I asked you, "Is there another girl now?" you answered, "No."

The second you said there wasn't, it removed a lot of stress off my heart.
I mean after all, you did pinky promise.

You pinky promised you weren't playing with my feelings.
You pinky promised you would try us again little by little with time.
You pinky promised so much.

I followed with another question.
"How important am I to you now?"
I was scared to know your answer, afraid to know you moved on from me, when we have a whole future ahead of us.
You answered, "Important enough where I still care but not important enough for me to show it."

I understand though.
You know I overthink.
You know I need reassurance.
But this time, it was different...

I still overthink.
I still need that reassurance.
But this time, I was fine with it.
I wasn't upset or anything.

You just needed time.
That's all.

Earlier you said you couldn't hang out.
The girl you dated would've thrown insults at you.
She would've shamed you.
She would've been angry at you.
But this time, I was...

I didn't feel anger.
I didn't feel any strong emotions.
Was I upset?
Of course I was, but that's part of relationships.
Sometimes things just don't go as planned, and that's okay.

We'll have other opportunities to hangout.
I'm sure of it.
After the first time I'm sure we'll be open to more opportunities to hang out.

All you need is time.


*A/N* I wrote this last night while at a pre-firework show thing. I wanted to get his permission to publish this and he was just like, "Idgaf." Like, okay... It really sucks being an overthinker. I think I need a therapist or something lol. He actually has Wattpad but I don't think he uses it anymore. He wouldn't want to read my work anyways. I'm slowly coming back mentally, I'm just scared to breakthrough. My life is falling apart and if I get too comfortable I'll just go back into depression. This really sucks.

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