1 - Louis

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Picture this, A nice monday evening, the birds are chirping and a caramel haired boy is laying in bed, reading a book. The blinds fully open, the sun being the only source of light in the room.

Louis Tomlinson, Is his name. He's 19 years old boy, lives with his dad, Drives a buggati chiron model 2022 in the colour matte black.

He starting to fall asleep. The book is pretty boring, he's only reading it because his dad got it for him on his birthday. Whenever he receives a book from his dad and says he's done reading it, he asks him questions and Louis must get them right. If not he has to re- read the book and tell his dad to ask him the questions again. He doesn't have to ask his dad to ask him questions, it's just that he wants to know how long it takes for him to remember something.

You see, Louis has trouble remembering stuff due to his dementia. He's just been diagnosed with it last year, and ever since he's known, it's like the memory loss has gotten worse!

He's super close to falling asleep now, only he notices it's getting darker out so he forces his eyes to stay open and starts getting ready for bed. Louis enters the bathroom slowly - still being tired- and winces at the coldness of the tiled floor.

A knock is heard on his bedroom door so he turns around and goes to open the door. Another knock, and another.

"I'm coming!" He walks a little faster and opens the door quickly. When he processes who's there he sees his dad smiling at him.

"Get ready quick, Purge begins in almost an hour" Troy pats Louis on the shoulder then turns around to walk to his room. Probably to get guns, lock up the house, turn the tv on and do other stuff.

The purge, Louis totally forgot about that...thing.

He rushes to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once out of the shower he puts on a pair of baggy jorts and a slightly oversized football shirt.

Remembering why he got ready so fast, he puts down the blinds and locks the window. He also might've thrown a blanket over it to be safe.

"Louis!" Troy shouts from downstairs

"Coming!!" Louis yells back. He put on his socks and shoes just in case something happens then grabs his metal bat he 'uses' every year to stay safe.

While making his way downstairs Louis thinks of how it is to purge. It must be fun if people like doing it so much. Maybe he should try it one yea-

His thoughts are interrupted when the annual alert starts playing on the tv.

"Did you lock everything up?" Troy nods and pats the couch for Louis to sit down. Louis does sit down a few seconds later when the words start rolling through the T.V

"This Is not a test.

This is your Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge, sanctioned by the U.S Government.

Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge, All other weapons are restricted.

Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the purge and shall not be harmed.

May god be with you all."

He was definitely scared now. It happens every year but he always forgets the feeling of how scary it is.

They have a good safety system and all but it's still terrifying.

Louis leans against his dad to find some comfort, troy wraps an arm around his shoulders and gives him a kiss on the head.

"It's gonna be fine Louis nothing ever happens okay?"

Just then a loud scream was heard outside alone with shots and loud bangs.

"Are those...Fireworks!?"


He's in the basement now, so is his dad but it doesn't matter cause he's lost in his own thoughts, again.


People are using fireworks to kill now!? Out of anything, fireworks. Well, it must be pretty cool seeing the lights and sparks after, but the thought of killing people with them. How can people even look at fireworks ever again when they've killed someone, or many people with them. You use those nearly for every event but c'mon...you won't look at fireworks the same ever again!

"Louis.." Louis looks over at his dad and sees a scared look on his face. "What?"

He points to the screen that's connected to the live cameras around the house. Inside and out.

Louis looks over and sees around 7 people all wearing mask, he also notices that they have guns strapped around their chest and...fireworks.

"Dad" Louis stands up from where he's sitting and walks over to him. "What if they get in!?" Troy stands up and rushes to the end of the room. The door is locked and it's under the couch so there's no way they'll get in the secret room but they can shoot the ground. People can have very secret hiding spots these days, and people who go purging know that.

"We have an emergency exit, I'm sure we'll be fine though-"

A loud boom was heard upstairs and the fire alarm went off. "Dad they have bombs!" Louis whisper yells. He's crying now. Not alot just tears rolling down his face.

"Shit. If they bomb the whole house there's no way we'll make it" you could hear footsteps above them. Louis covered his mouth because he was crying even more now.

You can't hear him but if you were standing there in the same room as  him you would see all of the tears streaming down his face.

Another loud bang.

Then the loudest one yet was heard and a smoke covered the room. There was a pretty obvious hole in the ground, or roof for them, and the people will notice a room below it sooner or later.

Troy motioned for him to leave through the emergency exit. Louis ran and grabbed his bat and the gun his dad handed to him. He gave him a hug and then hesitated a bit before leaving. He knew his dad was gonna die, even if he has the most powerful guns ever and even a mini cannon. There's just to much people and he will be out numbered.

He was now outside and there was nobody, so he ran. He ran until he got tired and ended up in an empty alley. At this point he would do anything to stay alive, so he jumped in a dirty trash bin and piled up all of the trash on top of him.

How was he going to survive on his own!? It's okay, There's only around 12 hours and 30 minutes left.


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