2 - Niall

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N's POV:

"Niall, c'mon get ready it's almost time for it to begin" Dad said while knocking on the door. I loves dad but he needs to understand that I do stuff at the right time and I know when I need to do it. I just nod my head at him and put down my comic book.

It's my newest one and grandpa had given it to me, it's the first batman comic I have. Most of my other ones are Spiderman, antman, superman, ironman, moonknight, and other heroes like that. I'm liking batman though, it's very nice.

I was about to stretch my leg out when I heard my ma yelling at dad from downstairs.

I stood up quickly knowing that they were gonna get in an argument if somebody didn't tell them to stop. So, I made my way downstairs and jumped down on the last step. "Ma, dad, can you please stop? The purge is going to begin and we need to be quiet."

Dad started telling ma he was sorry for putting in the red shirts in the white laundry. She just told him to shut up and sit down, so he did.

"Where's rubbles?" I started asking while looking under the couch. Rubbles was my puppy, he's only just a year old.
"RUBBLES!" I yelled out and ran to the kitchen.

"Niall please don't yell, rubbles is in the kennel" I groaned and scolded dad for putting my puppy in the kennel, he hates that place!

After a few minutes of just waiting I got bored and decided to go back up to my room with rubbles. "Beautiful boy, where are you going?" Dad asked me when I was almost upstairs.

"I don't wanna keep waiting, and I need to pack some stuff just in case" it's true. This year I forgot to pack my stuff 2 days before so I need to do it quick. Also dad really needs to stop calling me by that nickname.


I was putting in the last shirt in my backpack when I heard the siren. I smiled and swung the bag over my shoulders, looked down to make sure my shoes were tied, grabbed my pocket knife, and rubbles, then ran down stairs to sit on the couch.

The announcement started playing and I watched in amazement. The purge was super cool, I wonder what it's like to be in it.

"This is not a test.

This is your Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge, sanctioned by the U.S. Government

Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted.

Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed.

May god be with you all."

"Sick" I whispered under my breath and pumped my fist in the air. Dad looked at me and shook his head, not saying anything but from his face I could tell he was not happy. Ma was upstairs in the safety room probably checking on the cameras.

"C'mon bueatiful boy let's go to the safety room with your ma" Dad said while ruffling my hair.

I groaned "stop calling me that"

He laughed and stood up "You don't like it anymore?"

I shook my head while giving him a stern look "I liked it when I was like 6, not anymore!"

He gave me a smile and I new what he was gonna do "The monster's gone, he's on-"

"Stop it dad!" I laughed out and covered my face.

Dad told me to hurry up and then he was gone. I grabbed rubbles, my backpack still being on my back, then stood up.

I heard some noises outside and started thinking about what it's like to purge. If people do it so much, then they must find it fun. I felt my ADHD kick in so I started smiling to myself and looking around. I went to the window which was tinted outside but not inside that way we could see everything happening outside. I saw sparks and lights in the sky. "Cool..." I trailed off when I saw a guy around my age running for his life. Behind him was a weird looking man holding a firework. I watched as he lit it up and it shot straight towards the other guy.

I quickly put a hand around my mouth and ran towards the stairs. After thinking about it I started laughing to myself. That must be so fun, you get to do whatever you want to! And nobody can tell you otherwise. I went upstairs and into my room. It was dark so I grabbed my flashlight and flicked it on, I made my way to my closet and pulled out my favourite skeleton mask, it was a little dusty but it made it look cool. Coming up with a quick idea, I grabbed a sharpie and wrote the letters.


It looked sloppy but when I outlined it to make it thicker, it didn't look so bad. I looked at myself in the mirror when I had it on and I looked....stupid.

Huffing, I took the mask off and stuck it under my shirt. Rubbles was at my feet biting my leg

"Rubbie, Stop it!" I picked him up and put him down on my lap, "Do you think I should go outside for a bit, Rubbles?"

Rubbles tilted his small head and let out a small whimper. I took that as a yes. So, I started getting ready.

I grabbed my red hair spray from Halloween and sprayed one big strip of my hair with it, then I went to my closet to pick out my outfit, I went with the skull costume that matched the mask (Also From Halloween) Finally I put in the mask and tied my shoes extra tight.

"How do I look?" I asked myself. I didn't look that bad. It was good. I looked out through my window, I saw nobody. So I opened it and looked down It wasn't that big of a drop just a small little ache probably. I grabbed rubbles and decided I wouldn't take him with me. I just gave him a kiss and put him down on the floor. I made sure I had every weapon on me that I head in my room, Including a fork.

Carefully, I made my way down and started running. I decided I was gonna go to the beach and check it out but Then I saw the same guy from earlier. He was sitting down near a bush and I could tell he was crying. I pulled out my pocket knife and flicked it open, he looked up and put his hands together "Please don't, I didn't do anything! Please!" He covered his face and curled up into a ball.

I cocked my head "I'm not a bad guy, I'm just snooping around. I saw you earlier and a guy was chasing you, d'you know who he is?" The boy shook his head and sniffled.

"He just started chasing me- I was trying to find someone!" He started crying again so I put an hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay you're safe, I can take you to my house if you want?" I could sneak him into my room and he could spend the night.

"Please? What's your name?"

"Niall, yours?" He smiled at me


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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