2- Cold

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It was winter, and the streets were laced with snow. Pretty fucking pog in Tommys opinion, if the steets hadn't been his home for the past month. Tommy was hungry, cold, dirty and surprisingly, scared. For a former hero how had fought the number one villain you would think tommy wouldn't be scared of a random drunk man with a broken bottle but he was.

Tommy had somehow found himself backed into a corner at 1 am by a bunch of middle aged drunk men, one of which was pretty intimidating.

Tommy had thought it would be good idea to make fun of the drunk man. Calling him a wanker and a alcoholic. The drunk man didn't like that and is now attacking Tommy.

The man lept towards the blond with the bottle raised. Tommy put his arms up to protect his face and the Brocken bottle dug pretty deep into his arm.

"Fucker" Tommy winced

Tommy kicked the man of of him just befor he was grabbed by another man and slammed into the wall of the alleyway. He was pinned and surrounded, he had also stated to panic as his head and arm were bleeding pretty badly. Tommy wanted to cry, he haven't eaten in a week and did not have the energy for this.

"Please Stop" Tommy whispered barely audible.

"What was that Kidd couldn't hear ya" the man spat with the other men behind him laughing.

"S-stop" Tommy tried again finding it hard to breathe under the man's pressure on his neck.

" should of thought about that before you called my friend over there a wanker" the man says again raising his knee and digging it into tommy stomach making him gag.

"Stop" Tommy whispers so quietly that them man actually didn't hear him this time.

" what" he say's generally confused.

"I fucking said stop" Tommy yells, felling his face heat up and his eyes see red. His vision blanks for s second clouding with read light befor it clearing up and tommy feeling the weight on his stomach and neck drop. He falls to the floor gasping for air.

Tommy looks up to see all Four of the men on the floor. The man that was holding him to the wall was glowing red. Ass Tommy looked at him he felt exhausted, his eyes felt heavy and every limb on his body ached. Tommy gave into the pain soon after it registered and passed out.

Philzas POV

I was on the rooftops with Will and Tech when we heard shouting.

"Keep moving you fucking wanker. What are you an alcoholic, get the fuck home" a young voice yells

"I could say the same to you kid, we're your fucking parents." A gruff voice yells back.

"What's it to you cunt" the younger voice yells again sounding quite scared now.

But his time me Tech and Will had made are way towards the sound and we're watching it unfold as a kid who only looked to be 15 was being cornered by a group of four men.

"That's fucking it" the man yells smashing the bottle in his hand and pushing the kid back. The kid hit the wall and hunched over. The man with the bottle ran at he kid and slashed at his face . Th e blond blocked his face in time but still received a rather large gash to his arm.

"Should we step in" Will whispers to me.

"Nah the kid deserves it he did start it," the men had the kid pinned and were chocking him out "once the kid passes out we can grab the guys and drop the kid off at a station or something." Techno says from my other side.

"Come on tech, the kid looks 15 he can't fight of four guys" I say getting ready to jump down when we hear the kid shout.

"I fucking said stop" with that the entire allyway flashes with bright red light. Blinding me for a second.  When I look back down  I see al four men on the flour. The blond was kneeling on the ground hunched over. When he looked up his eyes were glowing red.

It was obvious that the kid had done this he was the only one left standing aswell as his eyes giving him away. I watch as the kids arms give out on him and he falls to the floor, passed out.

Now I jump down. I go up to the first guy and check his pulse. He was breathing I check the other two who were also breathing, but the guy who had the kid pinned was dead.

"Jesus" I wisper.

"What" will says front behind me .

I turn towards the two who had also jumped down "he's dead" I say

"What the fuck" techno says. "Phil you know we're we have seen that light show befor"

I knew what techno was hinting. Perseus. The guy had been stripped of his licence and kicked out . But could this kid be Perseus. I know the hero's are bad but making a kid fight for them was worse than he thought.

"Yea I know tech" I replied

"Maybe we should just go, let the police find him." Wilbur said  with a tone to his voice that told me, Wilbur new who this kid was.

" yea and let him get charged with a second count of murder. He looks 15, Will prison is no place for a kid, aswell as a former hero," I says turning towards my boys.

"What do you think we do then" techno whispers still shocked by the kid.

" drop him at the police station, and leave these guys to be found" I say again

"What If the see us." Wilbur says worried

"They won't" I smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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