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"Hey," Eddie breathed, sitting down at the table. A day or two had passed since seeing the news about Richie's home life. He knew what had to be done.

"Hey, Eddie," Bill greeted.

"Did you guys hear about Richie?" Eddie asked as he adjusted in the booth.

"No, what happened?" asked Beverly.

"His dad got arrested for abuse," he uttered.

"What?" Stanley asked with a concerned expression.

"Slow down, what the fuck?" Beverly exclaimed.

"My mom was watching the news and I was just eating breakfast, it came on the news. It was that bad," Eddie explained sorrowfully.

The group was speechless. Their hearts ached for their friend, sorrowful of their lack of knowledge about richie's life.

"Is he okay?" Mike worriedly asked for everyone.

"I don't know.. I haven't talked to him since. He won't answer me."

"Jesus fuck," Beverly cried, putting her hands over her mouth and leaning her elbows against the table. "We need to get a hold of him ASAP!"

"I know.." Eddie mumbled, "I just don't know how."

"Is his mom ss-suh-still taking care of him?" Bill asked. Eddie nodded.

"Yeah, she's still there at least. I don't know anything about her," Eddie admitted.

"So shouldn't Richie be at his house?" asked Ben.

"I mean.. maybe..?" Eddie uttered. "If you're trying to say we should go there.. I guess it's smart. He needs company. He needs us."

"I agree," Beverly breathed. "When do you guys wanna try and go?"

"I was hoping tonight," Bill pointed out. "Muh-m-my parents w-won't care as long as they know what happened."

"Can everyone go?" Beverly spoke. Once all she got was nods in return, she nodded as well. "After dinner we should."

"Yeah," added Stanley.

"Hello, are you guys ready to order? Let me get started off with your drinks," the waiter spoke.

The Losers ordered their dinner and all ate a nice meal, splitting the bill and leaving the restaurant. They all biked their way over to the Tozier household, Eddie being the only one with access to his address, and hid their bikes behind the small building.

"Okay.. how're we gonna do this?" Beverly asked.

"Do we shoot for the front door? Or find a window or something?" asked Stanley, looking at Bill.

"Don't luh-look at me, Eddie's the only one who's been h-here!" Bill pointed out.

"You're right," Beverly added.

"I've always snuck through his window," Eddie said with a shrug.

"But all of us going through it?" Mike added.

"True," said Ben, "it'd be easier to file into the front door."

"What if his mom doesn't let us stay? What if she's also an asshole?" Stanley pointed out. 

"Then we'll sneak through the window," Eddie said.

"And if she f-finds us?" asked Bill.

"She won't."

Bill breathed out. "Okay. Door it is."

The group ambled over to the front door, leaving it to Eddie to knock on it as if Maggie knew the kid. The door opened, the woman standing there looking tired.

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