1. A Small Diffrence!

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Naruto watches as a academy student with thick eyebrow, ran laps around the academy ground with heavy weights tied to his back. Other students made fun of him but he didn't stop. The student was Rock-Lee.

Naruto started running with him and asked "Hey why are you working so hard and why are others making fun of you?"

Lee turned to him with determined expression on his face "I can't harness chakra as my chakra coils are shrinked. They say I can't become a shinobi just because I can't use ninjutsu. I am working this hard so that I can proove them wrong and show them I can still be a great shinobi only using Taijutsu."

Naruto was shocked and motivated from Lee's words. He also got a determined look on his face as he said "I took the graduation exam earlier, last year. I failed as I wasn't able to do even a simple bunshin. I still couldn't do it, and exams are just a month away. I want to be a shinobi too even though I can't do the stupid bunshin. I will train hard with you bushy brows. Let's show the world that we can do it."

Lee was ecastic to get a fellow training partner. He helped Naruto in his Taijutsu and exercises. They trained for hours before they went away. All while neither of them noticed a man in green jumpsuit with chunin vest, who had same eyebrows as Lee and a bowl cut, watching them from above the trees with an contemplative look on his face.
One month came, and Naruto still failed. He was sad when Lee came to him with the same man who was watching them train a month ago.

Naruto looked at them as Lee introduced the man to Naruto "Naruto-kun, this is my sensei, Maito Gai."

Naruto bowed to the man in show of respect "Hello, Gai-sensei."

Gai grinned widely as he addressed Naruto "Young Naruto, I heard from Lee that  even you worked very hard, you still failed the graduation exam as you were not able to make a bunshin. I can't help you with this, but if you want you are always welcome to train with Team-9, whenever we are free."

Naruto was shocked at this. He knew that Jounin didn't have much time with them, and so the offer to help him was very generous.

He bowed his head in gratitude and then grinned widely at his training partner and soon to be sensei "Count me in."

From there, started journey of Naruto learning Goken(strong fist) with Lee.

Gai actually wanted Naruto in his team instead of Hyuga Neji, but was denied by Hokage as he wanted Kakashi to train the son of his sensei.

Gai would continue training Naruto and Lee, even after Tenten would return to help her father in shop and Neji would return to his clan dojo to practise Juken(Gentle fist).

He made them wear weights and run them ragged so their body would be able to handle strain of Goken.

Naruto would work hard, even when Team 9 went on missions. He would run laps around Konoha, do 100 push-ups and situps and then practise his katas.

Being with Team 9 helped Naruto in many things. Having a kind girl like TenTen made him understand that Sakura hitting him was wrong. He slowly started to come out of his crush on her and stop taking her shit. She also helped increase his weapon throwing skills.

Training with Taijustsu Beasts like Gai, Lee and Neji made his Taijustsu way better than his classmates. He soon started to defeat Kiba, Shino and even Sasuke in his spars.

Of course that didn't went well with Sasuke's fan girls. Sakura tried to hit him with accusing him of cheating. Naruto decided he had enough of her, and kicked her straight in the face while saying "Talk to me when you are able to face me in spar. Until then my foot will be good enough for you." Sufice to say, after that day the fangirls kept their mouth shut.

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