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Felix's POV

I left the lesson and quickly made my way to the school gym to find a towel to sleep under and one of those slightly soft leg machines to rest on.

Jesus christ this is sad.

I groaned and opened the doors, no ones in here luckily. I went up to a machine and just laid down against it. I should've just kept my sexuality to myself

Jisungs pov

Me and hyunjin stood confused, the gym had shut for the day and it was the end of his school day. This is weird , why was he going in there?

" do you wanna...check on him?" Asked hyunjin gently

" yes , obviously I want to but what if we make him uncomfortable?" I winced slightly at the idea

" I'm sure we won't " he hummed " cmon, we need to make some effort to talk to him anyways. Why not now?"

" I guess you're right" I grabbed his hand " let's go"

The two of us walked up the window and looked through it, felix was sprawled out across a leg machine with his body covered by a towel

" is he okay?" I asked worryingly

" let's see" hyunjin opened the door and walked in, the younger didn't even acknowledge us being there. Soon we became aware that he was crying

" felix?" I said softly, he sat bolt upright and wiped his eyes

" I....uhm, hi.." he sniffled in response " w-what are you guys doing here?"

" we saw you come in after the gym closes and....we were curious " hyunjin replied " are you okay?"

Felix's POV

The question comes as a shock to me, how do I reply? I cant say no and tell them why I'm here, they would judge me and take the piss. Or do I say I'm fine? Should I lie? I cant tell them they'll think I'm an attention seeker.

" felix" jisung repeated softly "d-do you need a hug? "

I nodded the pair walked closer and hugged me tightly , I immediately burst back into tears

" whoa, hey. what wrong" hyunjin hummed

" my parents...kicked me out" I tried to breathe " for being a fag and poly"

" oh, hun" jisung played with my hair

" I want to disappear " I sobbed into my crushes chests" the fact that I'm still here is driving me insane. My parents deserve a better kid....a normal kid. I'm such a freak. If I just dated normally they would still love me"

" Felix, if you being gay is more important to them than you being their son they weren't worth your time anyway. They're bad parents" hyunjin comforted

" I know but they're the only ones I have" I sniffled " I know i can't go back mom doesn't see me as her boy anymore.."

The two shushed me " we are going to my house, come with us" jisung said gently

" i-i cant ruin your time as a couple" I shook my head rapidly

" you won't be ruining anything, please. I insist" jisung continued

" yeah, he has a spare room in his apartment that you can stay in" hyunjin added " much better than sports equipment "

" what about clothes? I don't have any"

" borrow some of mine, we are about the same size, maybe I'm like two sizes bigger than you but that's still fine. I barley wear any of it anyway , I'm always stealing his stuff " jisung chuckled

" are you sure?" I sniffled , the couple nodded

" absolutely " they smiled

" thank you so much" I cried , happily this time

They cooed and hugged me again " of course"

I hugged them back twice as firmly as they allowed me to let my emotions out into their chests, this is why I love them . They're kind, that's all you have to be and alot of people seem to be lacking in that characteristic. But these two? I dont think they have an unkind bone in their bodies

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