Chapter one~ The Lake

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~Bays point of view~

I wake up and find clothes all around me. It looked like mine and someone else's. I couldn't figure out who's until I looked to my left and saw a familiar face....... Emmett! Crap! I slept with Emmett. I turned on my phone and realized that it's almost past my curfew. I stand up carefully trying not to wake Emmett up. I start putting my bra and underwear on when I notice a set of eyes focusing on mine.

Me: Hey.... I have to get home, it's almost past my curfew. I will see you....... tomorrow?

Emmett signs: Yeah... Tomorrow.

Emmett sits up, blows me a kiss as I walk away, and starts putting on his clothes.
I can't believe that just happened. I had sex with Emmett Bledsoe. I have always wanted too, so did he, but I'm dating Tank! I did the one thing I told myself I would never do. CHEAT. I cheated on such a sweet, caring guy.

Once I got to my car images of last night kept popping into my head. When I saw Emmett sitting there all beaten up, what he said to me, when I told him I loved him. I rember Emmett leaning in for a kiss and me not pulling away. Oh my gosh. I knew what was happening but I was too caught up in the moment. I am a horrible person. I could have pulled away and wait until Tank and I broke up but I didn't! I was slowly going through what else happened. We kissed, kept kissing, started taking our clothes off, and ....... Oh crap..... We didn't use anything. Could Emmett have used something? I don't know. We will have to figure it out in the morning. I have to get home before J&K realize that I'm not in by curfew.

At the Kennishes house •

~Daphnes point of view~

Bay texted me to meet her outside. I don't know what she needs but it sounded urgent.

Me: What's up?

Bay signs: I had sex with Emmett!

Me: WHAT!!?? What about Tank and Mandy?

Bay signs: I will tell you about everything tomorrow. It's just, Emmett and I....... We didn't use anything.

Me: Bay!!!

Bay signs: I know, I know. I was wandering if you could come with me tomorrow to get the thing you take after you are a complete idiot?

Me: of course

Bay and I ended our conversion agreeing that we would finish it tomorrow.

~Bays point of view~

I went upstairs to my room and slipped on my pajamas. I couldn't sleep. All I could think about is that I cheated on Tank and that I could be pregnant. It was midnight and I was still wide awake. I went down the stairs to get a painkiller and a sleeping pill. I made my way over to the fridge and took a water out to wash down the pills. I headed back upstairs and tried to go to sleep. I tried 7 different places around the house. SEVEN! At 2:00 a.m I finally accepted that I'm not getting any sleep tonight. I soon found myself on my laptop looking up tips for teen-moms, just in case.
Tip 1: don't get pregnant
Tip 2: give up
Tip 3: use condoms
Tip 4: get a life
Tip 5: Don't have sex
Yes because those tips were helpful.....NOT! Who writes stuff like that? Really. Those are about as helpful as my ass. I don't know if it's too early but, after I read the "helpful" tips I brushed my hair and got presentable clothes on and went to the all night drug store. I bought 5 pregnancy tests, 2 for now, 3 for tomorrow, condoms, and the morning after pill. I drove half way home before stopping at the park/lake. I started walking over to where I found Emmett and then I stopped for a second noticing that there was someone there. After my eyes adjusted to the dark skies, I realized that it was just Emmett. I walked over to him and nudged him on the shoulder just hard enough to wake him.

Me: What are you still doing here?

Emmett signs: I told my mom that I was staying the night at a friends and she was okay with it and I didn't want to go home. What about you?

Me: I couldn't sleep. Emmett, I cheated on Tank. I swore that I would never do that. Also, we didn't use anything.

Emmett signs: wait... I thought that you were on the pill.

Me: why in hell would I be on it?

Emmett signs: First, you are dating a college student and over the summer, you were dating someone in the army!

Me: I am not sleeping with Tank and Ty was here for about a month!!

Emmett signs: okay, I'm sorry.

Me: anyways, I couldn't sleep so I went to the drug store and bought some pregnancy tests. Should I do them now since we are both here?

Emmett signs: sure

I went to the outhouse at the lake and opened the box on tests. I entered one of the stalls and took 5 tests. We waited 7 minutes and looked at the results.

Me: Emmett, I'm

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