My Omega

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Vegas pov
I'm enduring these fucking idiots as my assistant requested me that the reunion party could bring us business deals. They are bunch of gossipers discussing about my life and that I'm dating a omega. I don't wanna say anything so i stayed silent.While tolerating all this someone tapped on my shoulder.

Big - Hello vegas, happy to see me right.

Big (to the group of people) - Guys I also went on a blind date to get married soon and by the way Vegas saw me on the blind date.

Someone- Really, who is this date? Do you know who it is Vegas?

Big - Don't be too surprised okay ? It's sangetham family's grandson😏.

Suddenly someone enters the place and hold big's shoulder.

Someone - Are you talking about pete Sangetham, but he is dating Vegas?

Big - Vegas why didn't you tell me Or is it probably you are seeing each other casually. As you can see I'm in a bit of rushrush. Just let me have this one ( talking about pete as an object) 😁.

Vegas( in angry tone😤) - I can't take this any more. What kind of nonsense.....! Let you have this one?! Are you crazy?

Pete(entered and interrupted vegas)- who's letting who have what?

Vegas(shocked) - Pete!

Pete (to Vegas) - Hi Vegas😍🥰

Pete (to big) - Why are you talking such crap🤨? What? Let you have me? 😠 How ridiculous👿👎I am Pete SangethamSangetham, not some prop to toss around

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Pete (to big) - Why are you talking such crap🤨? What? Let you have me? 😠 How ridiculous👿👎
I am Pete SangethamSangetham, not some prop to toss around.

Big ( to pete) - 😰pete, I didn't mean that.......

Pete(to Vegas while ignoring big) - So vegas, stop wasting your time on this guy . I'm in much bigger rush than this guy. As you already know ( while blinking at vegas and putting Vegas hand around his waist).

Vegas shocked to see all that but smiled genuinely while looking at Pete😊.

After both of them left the party. Vegas give his coat to oete as he is shivering in all the fashionable clothes he is wearing. They are standing in parking lot all alone. Vegas looking at pete admiring that pete is different from every one and he will stay with him.

Breaking the silence Vegas spoke - what are you doing here?

Pete - I want to say something to you looking in vegas's eyes. With a deep breath Pete confronted Vegas

" I don't need you now to stable my pheromone as doctor told me I'm fine( Vegas look a little bit sad) but...............i like you and i wanna spend my life with you so Vegas please accept my confession🥺"

Vegas without waiting a second hood Pete by his waist and combined his lips with pets lips, he eat Pete's lips and entered pete's mouth kissing him deeply and passionately after sometime he separate them.

Vegas- i love you, pete❤. ( combined their forehead and breathing from each other)

After that Vegas again start kissing Pete, pete was loving this moment and considered it as the best moment of his life

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After that Vegas again start kissing Pete, pete was loving this moment and considered it as the best moment of his life

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