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Narrator POV

It's Quiet Himari was Waiting for Izuku's First Move And Izuku Immediately Dashed At Her with a Swift Kick Himari Blocks It With Her Arm

Sure Himari Blocked it But the Impact Of Izuku's Kick Sprained Her Arm As She Winces In Pain

Izuku:You Still Have Much More to Learn

Izuku Stopped the fight or would it even call it a fight

Himari:Wait Why are you Stopping

Izuku:Kyouka Would it be Okay If I Trained Himari With you

Kyouka:I'll allow it


Izuku:Himari In all Honesty Your Still Not Much of the Level Of A Vice Chief

Himari took that as an offence

Izuku:But that doesn't mean you can't Grow Stronger I'll teach some Skills That can make you Stronger or Would you like to stay like this Weak

Izuku Provoking Himari To Increase Her Drive To Become Strong and we'll it work

Himari:I'll show you whose weak!

All of a sudden his gaze got serious as he sensed hundreds of shuuki outside the barrier of the dorms. Soon enough there was a huge tremor which alerted everyone.

Izuku calculated that the number of the shuuki are more than he anticipated and expected as he Crack His Knuckles Itching To Fight


Kyouka called out to him while he cloned himself as Kyouka saw the original vanish, surprising her wondering if it was his power or martial art skills. Shushu turned into her giant form with Himari on her shoulder.

Himari"Shushu's giant form won't last long and I don't have many ways to attack. Even with the barrier the dorm might be in danger"

Himari thought as she looked at the swarm of shuuki and they were rapidly increasing.

Izuku: There are certainly a lot, huh? It's even more than when I first came into Mato.

Izuku appeared from Shushu's other shoulder as both of them didn't notice him and were standing calmly looking at the shuuki below as if it was normal for him.

Himari/Shushu"How did he get here!?"

Shushu and Himari thought to themselves having a higher sense than other people but unable to detect his arrival as if he was a shadow.

Izuku:There's no need for you to fight right now. Let me Let loose

Kyouka jumped up to their height on clone Slave And Said

Kyouka:Do As He Said Izuku Take Half and I'll Take Half Understood

They looked towards izuku who just smiled at them and gave them a salute and falls down creating a crater on the way

Izuku:Now who wants to go first!

The Shuuki's Charge at Him Izuku Smirked at this He Coated His Arms In Armament Haki

Izuku:Soryu Style: Disorder

Izuku:Soryu Style: Disorder

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