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"Sofia think about it ag-" Antonio  tried to protest again but Angelo took the situation in his hands as his patient was thinner than mine  "listen here sofia, how about we make a deal?"
I looked at him confused as I have nothing to exchange and what does he think, that we are in a kind of business meeting?

"You can come and stay with us for a month while this process will be taking place. You might not know ,but the request you asked demands  documents that last at least a month until they are being  posted. In that time we can live all together and get to know each other. After that one month you still want to get back here then we will let you come with no arguments in the way" he looked so confident as he knew that i was gonna agree on his terms "and who knows......maybe we will have changed your mind until then"  Antonio was still not convinced  that I was gonna agree but seeing  my  skeptical  confused face made him rethink. Can I really go with them?

But if I stay here the things might get worse , I should leave for a while and come back when things cool down a bit. I looked up in Angelos eyes and nodded with noticeable  hesitation "I suppose you are a man of his words, so don't forget the deal we made when hard times knock your door"

Their eyes lighted up with relief and looked at each other with a confident smile. Antonio was the first one to break that touching eye contact between brothers  and laid his eyes on me  "let's head home my lovely sister"
He tried to hold my hand in his big ones to head  outside but me clearly not being used to physical contact moved my arm to the side making obvious that I don't like being touched. Angelo chuckle at my reaction and gave a quick slap on Antonio's  back-neck
"Don't rush things brother"

"But you know that  holding back was never my thing ,nor yours "  Antonio  said rubbing his back of the head  embarrassed
Angelo  moved his head side to side smiling something i didnt expect from him and after looked at me

"Let's get you home sofia" he said with a new soft voice and approached the door before pushed it open extending  his hand for me to walk outside . And that's what I did. I walked out first with two beasts following behind me scaring everyone in the station but that was until we exited that shity station and felt the cold air taking away the suffocating feeling while hitting my face with its freezing blows. How can  life take such risky turns?  Crashing everything and everyone in the mean time "You will catch a cold little one" out of nowhere Angelo put his jacket over my shoulders surprising me with his sudden behavior but eather ways i looked at him, taking  it off  and throw it at Antonio who was beside me with force. Antonio frowned but I didn't give any attention, i Just stood there with crossed arms looking in front of me ignoring them  at all.

Suddenly a black luxury BMV approached and parked where we were standing blocking  the view in front of me  and rolled its window down

"get inside" it was  Angelo  in that car driving  but I  didn't even noticed when he left us and went to get the car as we were occupied with that little moment of ours. Antonio opened the door in the back seats for me and after he made sure I was sitting there comfortably with the seat belt on he made his way to the front and sat beside Angelo 

"Sofia, do we have to stop by your house and get  your stuff?" Angelo asked cheking me from the mirror
"No need "
I stated and leaned my head back , they seemed confused probably because i only had a bag of my things and not a properly luggage  but choose not to metion anything .

Time skip.

It has been 15 minutes being inside that car and my  head started throbbing out of the blue but that small pain wasn't anything near easy to handle it. I guess Antonio saw the discomfort on my face from the side mirror and tapped Angelo's leg with his hand
"Is something wrong sof? Angelo asked and Antonio turned his head to the side trying to see me with a clear  failure  "headache"

I said in a soft tired way that could be hard for them to hear but who doubt them, they are able to do anything. Antonio opened the drawer of its car and took a bottle of pills  with a water bottle   "here, this will help" he handed them to me while turning his body to the side to have a full look of me at the back . I looked at him and raised my eyebrow   "do you think I'm a fool?"

He got what I was saying and chuckled  "I like how careful you're being with your surroundings but you don't have to be alerted  around us"
He said  taking  a pill out of that bottle and gluping it down with no use of water  "now you have nothing to be scared of" he said and handed me a pill putting the rest of them inside the drawer.

His a wise man. I looked at the pill in my hand and opened that bottle of water gulping the painkiller with no second thoughts,  if you did it, you did it there's no going back.

I tried to relax as much as i could my tired body but  deep thoughts in my mind were lingering nonstop preventing me from any peaceful and quite time. That lasted for  about 15 min when Angelo decided to catch a conversation again  when we were waiting in a light stop

"are you hungry sofia? Have you eaten something?" 
I'm not hungry at all right now but  considering the attitude they gave back there I would not slip away easily saying that I haven't eaten anything for the past , at least 15 hours and now it's 6 in the morning, i suppose they would get me some food with or without my consent  "I ate" the best time to lie is when they are unable to doubt you and catch them by surprise.

Lying is the only thing I'm good at, so many years of practicing is finally paying off my work  "if that's so , then we can eat on the plain comfortably" the green light came in view and he started the engine focusing again on the road. I guess i have  a long way to go, and we are only in the beginning. 

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