-Chapter 2-

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Ethan agreed, and he took me to my room, which was right next to his. He opened my door, and stepped aside, letting me enter first. My eyes widened as I looked around the room. It was fully painted white, and like the kitchen, it was bright and well-lit, with a huge window that looked onto the backyard.

There was a twin-sized bed in the corner of the room, with a duvet and lots of pillows and cushions. A white desk and chair against one wall, with a lamp on it and shelves right above it. Adjacent to it, there was a huge wardrobe, the same colour as the desk. Right next to it, a small table and a mirror attached to the wall.

"This looks amazing," I say quietly, taking in the contents of my room. There was a soft, white carpet on the floor which felt wonderful against my feet. I explored the room, a huge smile on my face. I had never had my own room before, especially not this nice. There were a few decorations neatly arranged, including a big wooden 'S' on my desk.

"I'm glad you like it. Mark put a lot of thought into it," Ethan says.
"What's that?" I ask, pointing to a door.
"That's your bathroom," he says.

"I get my own bathroom? Awesome!" I say, walking up to it.
"Yep, you get your own, Charlie and Lily share one. Me and Mark use the others," he tells me.
I sigh. "Charlotte doesn't like me very much, does she?"

He shrugs. "She will. This room was originally meant to be for her, so she got super mad when Mark said it was for you,"

"Oh," I say, feeling guilty.
"Don't worry about her, she's bratty sometimes. She'll come around," he says.

Before he leaves, he glances at his watch. "Oh, it's breakfast time. Wanna come downstairs with me while I make it?"

"You make breakfast?" I asked, surprised.
He nods. "It's one of my chores. I make breakfast and dinner every weekend unless I'm sick or busy,"

I look at him worriedly. "I don't know how to cook,"
"It's fine, I like cooking, so it's one of my chores. You don't need to"

"Will I have chores though?" I ask. I hated doing chores at the orphanage.
He nods. "We all do, so probably."
"Great," I mutter.

"Well, you coming?" He asks me. I say yes, and we both leave my room. Once we did, I heard... smacking sounds? Coming from Lily and Charlie's room.

"What's that sound?" I ask quietly, pointing to their room.
"Charlie's probably getting spanked," he said.
"What? Spanked?"

"Yeah?" Ethan replied.

Where we live, spanking is honestly pretty common. Well not common, but it isn't unusual. But, I've never been spanked myself, and the thought of a large, 6"3 man spanking me was scary, to say the least.

"That must suck," I say, as we head downstairs.
"It does. You've never been spanked before?" He asks me when we enter the kitchen. He pulls out a chair for me.

I sit down. "No, I haven't. How bad is it?" I ask.
He shrugs. "It's embarrassing and painful, but it's not horrible,"

"Does he spank you too? Will he spank me?" I ask, my brain suddenly filling with questions.

He sighs. "He does spank me, but I rarely get into trouble anymore. Sometimes he takes my keys away and grounds me instead, but it depends. And he probably will spank you too," he says casually, cracking a couple of eggs into a bowl and whisking it.

"How bad does it hurt?"

He's clearly frustrated now. "I don't know how to explain it Savannah. Just don't get into trouble,"

"How's breakfast going?" A deep voice asks from behind us.
I turn around to see Mark come down the stairs and enter the kitchen.

Ethan sighs again. "Savannah heard you spank Charlie, and now she's freaking the heck out," he grumbles, turning to his eggs again.

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