☆~The First Day~☆

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TODAY was the first day of school. Luna had come back from camp a week ago but had not had the chance to see them. The night before, she had been able to talk to them on the phone, tho. They are all so excited to see each other today.

During the summer, Luna had grown double D's and a pretty good bit of ass. She didn't fit into any of her old clothes, so when her mom remarried a rich man, she made sure to go on a huge shopping spree. Now, she looked almost like a model

Luna began to get dressed for the day as she thought about what her friends would say about her new look. She was wondering how people at school would feel. She wasn't one to care about others' opinions, but this was important to her.

She used to get made fun of for her weight. People wound say her steps were too loud or look at her whenever they didn't want food thinking she ate everything. She wanted to prove to them that she wasn't going to take that anymore.

She finished getting ready after she brushed her teeth and went downstairs to eat and wait for Anna's mom to pick her up. She had finished eating her yogurt when she heard a honk from Anna's mom's car.

She walked and put towards the car to see Anna in the car by herself. Anna and Luna always lived very close together, so she was the first one in the car.

"Omg, you look so good!" Anna said as she smiled at her with her braces.

"Really, you think so?" Luna said with hope, filling inside her.

"Yeah, you look so hot. You're so lucky you got a summer glow up. Even your boobs are huge." Anna said as she reached put and pointed at Lunas boobs.

"You look great too, Anna. Are you wearing your bra?" Luna asked as she squished herself in the back with Anna.

"Yea, I am." Anna grinned as she pulled her bra strap out and slapped it against her skin, just for her to make a pained sound.

They arrived in front of Mayas house to pick her and her brother up.

"Omg, Anna, look at her hair." Luna said as she pulled at Anna's arm and pointed at Maya walking to the car.

"Omg, okay, let's be nice and say it looks good." Anna said in a panicked voice as Maya got closer to the car. Maya entered the car while petting her hair ashamed. It was silent for a few seconds before the girls spoke.

"Omg Maya, I love like you hair." Luna said as she looked at Maya, trying not to laugh. Anna looked at Maya as well and nodded.

"Yeah, May it looks so good." Anna said while looking at Maya with a strained voice.

"Okay, thanks." She said as her brother, Shuji, hopped into the car.

"Move your backpack, you idiot." He said to Maya before looking up at them.

"Wow, Luna, you look good." He said, causing Maya to whined at him for talking to her friend and Luna to giggle. Shuji rolled his eyes at his sister before getting in his seat as they drove to pick up Sam.

"Hi, Mrs. Kone. Hello! Hi, guys." Sam said as he entered the car.

He glanced back at the three girls and saw mayas hair. "Maya, what the fuck did you do to your hair?" He said in offensive tone.

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