Vew of the the Yandere's lovers

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Izuku's pov
I was minding my own business when Uraraka came up to my for the tenth time today. I tryed to move away from her but she just fallowed me every where I went. She would what for me outside the bathroom and tell everyone we are dating when we are not. Today When she came up to me I saw Sero looking pretty mad for some reason. I was about to go over and ask him what was wrong when Uraraka pulled me away. I was not very happy about her doing this, she did it every time I tryed going to talk to anyone that was not in the 'Dekusquad' which I don't like any of them except Todoroki. He was the only one that helped me get away from Uraraka from my.

Denki's pov
I've known Kirishima has liked my for a long time now but I also know Shinso like me. I know that one of them are going to ask me out at some point. I already know what I am going to say to each of them. I like shin more of a friend not like a partner. Kiri on the other hand has been here for my since the last year of middle school. He was helped me with the bullying I went through in middle school and helped with my homework even though I don't needed it. I am actually pretty smart I just act not as smart cause I don't want the some problems as in middle school.

Shinso Was been hanging around me a lot more and it was been a bit weird cause he has slowly make moves on me. About two weeks ago he asked the question of if I will be his Boyfriend. I told him that I only like am as a friend and I have feelings for someone else. He was under standing but he has been hanging around me and acting like I said yes to being his Boyfriend.

Todoroki's pov
Momo has been around my all day day I am not completely sure why. I always see her blushing when she is talking to me or just around me in general. I believe she knows I am gay but I am not 100% sure. She is always giving me note in class and all of this is starting to irritate me.
Ok I hope you like this I am just writing when I have the time so my two stories will probably by posted close next to each other

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