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Lana's POV

It's been a week since the Budapest Grand Prix and since Charles and I kissed. I didn't even mean to do it or was even thinking about it. It was like we just naturally pulled in and kissed. I didn't hate it, absolutely not. I just can't give in yet.

Today we were all in Maranello, Italy at the F1 factory. Including Charles and his family. There's tons of meetings and filming for the documentary going on. I've just been hanging back working on any projects I have going on or filming for the documentary.

"Hey Lana, your father is requesting you in his office." Anna, his assistant said to me as she peaked her head into the private area I was working in. I took out my airpods and let her know I'd be right there. I packed up my belongings in my bag and brought them with me. As I approached the doorway to the hall, Charles walked infront of me in the direction of my dads office, fiddling his fingers. My eyes widened as he stopped and turned around. My breathing started to become heavier. I knew exactly what this meant.

"Yeah. Someone caught us." Charles whispered before turning back around and walking away. My heart dropped. When did they catch us? Where? We haven't seen each other much since Budapest so there's very few times we could've been caught.

I nervously walked close behind Charles to my fathers office and as I got to his door he immediately signaled for both of us to sit down. "Please, give us a second." My father tells the camera crew. They leave and I realize I'm still mic'd up. Fuck, they're going to put this in the documentary, I guarantee you. As soon as the crew closes the door, my father lays out a printed screenshot of a photo of us kissing in Budapest. It was from up above, I didn't think anyone would be above us!

"Care to explain?" He says while dead staring into our eyes. I loved my father don't get me wrong but he was the scariest man when he was angry.

"Uhh-well." I start off. "Well what?! Did I not tell you both to stay away! You specifically! That is my daughter!" My dad yells in Italian, starting to point his attention at Charles. I looked over at him, scared, upset, mad, every emotion was running through me.

"Sir! Please! Let me explain. It was all me. I caused the mess and now it's my time to pick up those pieces and fix it all. I reached out to Lana to talk about what happened and tell her I love her and how much I knew of a mistake I made. I want her back sir and she didn't say yes or no she just said to prove it to you and her." Charles explains in Italian before my father interrupts.

"Stop there! It looks a lot more than just trying to prove you want her. Also prove yourself worthy again to me? Why didn't you reach out to me?!"

"I was scared sir. Plus you're daughter is who I can't live without, I wanted to speak to her to just calm myself. She's my world. That's why I want to fight and prove myself worthy again." Charles adds on. I look down, unable to bring my eyes up to my fathers. I feel Charles sneakily reach out and hold my hand under the desk. Immediately all my nerves calmed down, I could think and breathe. I brought my head back up and looked at my father when all he said was,

"I don't know. Now get out." And we did. We left and walked back down to where I was working. The camera crew was outside the door so I knew they heard it all. I hope nothing gets leaked either. The entire walk we were silent though. Shocked by what just happened.

"It'll be ok. We got this." He whispered as he kissed my head and left the private area. I sat there for a few minutes, gathering my thoughts. I knew I wouldn't be able to work for a bit after that so I decided to take a snack break and go on my phone. I went downstairs where there's a little snack bar and just ordered a water and croissant. I didn't have much of an appetite after that but my anxiety was making me nauseous.

I went on Twitter while eating and saw all the posts and pictures and videos and rumors about us. I didn't realize how much it had blown up. People were speculating we were together, that the girl in the picture wasn't me, that he cheated or I cheated, so many things. But there were definitely sweet comments of fans saying they want us back together. I do too, trust me.

Eventually I put my phone away and got back to work. I could barely focus but it was fine, nothing to hard had to be done today.

*later that day*

Around 6pm we all finished at the factory and went to our house here in Maranello. I saw Charles leaving with Lorenzo, Arthur and his mom when we all left. We just glanced each other a quick look to acknowledge each other and then got into our cars. We'd been texting since the meeting with my dad. Trying to figure out a plan. We already had been but weren't taking it too seriously. Now since my father freaked out on us both and caught us, we gotta figure something out.

Ever since getting home I could feel the tension and negativity coming off my dad. The house was pretty quiet besides for Benji and his toys. Eventually I asked my mom if I could just head back to Monaco and she said that was fine. Eric, Catherine, and Mila joined me on that idea as well.

"We got everything?" Eric asked tiredly. We all said yes in sync and packed up the SUV.

"Oh my god, finally. I don't feel stressed out anymore." I said out of relief as we drove off. They all laughed. I told them what happened and they think it's pretty funny but that's a typical sibling reaction. It wasn't long until we arrived at the jet where the crew was waiting for us. We packed everything up, greeted the crew and we headed off back to Monaco.

"Mila, you excited for your party tomorrow?" Catherine asked, I totally forgot about her party! I'm horrible for forgetting but so much has gone on.

"Duhh! it's on mom and dads yacht, of course I'm excited." She replied.it was her going away to college party.

"Lana have you invited anyone?" I put a finger up to indicate one second since I was drinking a water.

"Anyone in specific?" I asked. She shook her head. I immediately sent out a group text to Lando, Pierre, Kika, Max, Kelly, Daniel, Carlos, everyone on F1 basically. I wasn't sure if my dad put the word out there to the entirety of the F1 team but I think he did. Then I invited some friends of mine. I showed her the list of people and she approved them all. Then I sent a secret invite to Charles. I let him know Arthur, Lorenzo and his mom were for sure invited, but he was secretly by me. He let me know he'd definitely see if they could all make it but would love too.

After an hour long, smooth flight we finally arrived in Nice and then drove back to Monaco. We arrived back shortly after 10pm so I was pretty tired. After getting into my room, I unpacked all of my bags and put them up and took a long shower. I played so music while I did in hopes of kind of lifting my spirits. It definitely worked. I was just singing and dancing along. After showering I got out and did some skin care before getting everything that I needed for tomorrow ready. Her party was going to be HUGE. Dad got this massive yacht as a gift when joining the Ferrari higher up's team on his 20th year with Ferrari but he's also put so much money into it. It's his baby as well as us siblings. But he's worked incredibly hard for his money so I can't judge. Plus I love it.

Mila is just going to have a huge going away/graduation party on it. She decided to merge both so have one big party. It starts around 1pm but that's when we take off and head further out. I'm really excited! We're gonna have so much food, an open bar, a DJ, hot tub, and so much more. Now when I party, I party hard. I lived in America until I was 16 so I like to say I party the American/European way. Everyone is definitely going to be on high alert for Mila and I both. Someone's bound to get hurt.

After I picked out a few choices, I got ready for bed. I sent Charles a goodnight text and then got some rest to party all day tomorrow.

Almost 200 reads in 2 days?! Thank you so much! Hope y'all are enjoying it. It's fun to write while being stuck in bed haha

I'll be starting another one that is about Max Verstappen. May or may not be about royalty? 👀

Follow me to make sure you catch that new book :)

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