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Lana's POV

"But? Why? Lando and I have never had any tension or anything. We've always been fine with each other." I told Charles. Still confused as to why Lando could be the possible leaker. Charles shook his head, indicating something I was not aware of. "His goal was to try and get with you now that you both were single. He didn't tell me directly but Max did." I sat there widening my eyes as he continued on. "What? So he's mad that he can't get with me now?" I asked. "He's trying to ruin us." Charles replied.

"Well he also nearly killed you out there! Was that his goal too?!" I yelled. We sat there staring at each other for a minute before I abruptly got up and left the room. Not only because Charles and I can't be seen near each other again but I'm going to hunt down Lando. He DNF'd as well. I sped walked past my family, Charles', fans, press, not paying attention to any of them, not even those calling for me. I'm sure the look on my face and the way I was walking gave away I was pissed.

I spotted the huge Papaya colored box and barged the doors open, immediately making eye contact with Lando at the end of the McLaren hallway. He just gave me a little smirk before saying, "I knew I'd see you eventually" with a laugh and walking into his room. I ran up to his door and invited myself in, pointing at him and yelling "You! Are you out of your fucking mind?! Was it your goal to break us up or kill him?! What the fuck were you thinking Lando! I could fucking kill you right now." I said the last part quietly before giving him a side eye and walking out. I honestly didn't give a fuck who heard. Who does Lando think he is? Charles was so nonchalant about Lando "possibly" leaking them not realizing Lando just tried to physically harm him over it. Like no duh he leaked them Charles!

I walked back to the Ferrari area and met back up with my family to finish watching the last bit of the race with Max winning of course. My dad wasn't very happy with the situation that just occurred too so he didn't say or express much. Carlos got P4 after qualifying P2 so that made dad even more mad. I went and said hi to a few other drivers before going over to Max and congratulating him on winning. I also told him he'd be getting a "nice" text from me later about Lando. He stood there and sucked in his lips like he was thinking "oh shit she knows".

I walked back to meet with my family so we could go back to the podium stage and watch the awards be given out. "Oh my god I love this national anthem, do you know it by chance?" Phillipe said sarcastically and quietly as the Dutch national anthem started to play. Causing a lot of us on the Ferrari side to laugh including Charles and I.

My dad pulled Charles off to the side when everyone started to scatter off and go wherever they needed too. Most of them going to the post-race press conferences. I knew he was ripping Charles a new one due to the fact he kept using his hands and pointing his fingers when talking to him. They were in the hallway of the Ferrari box so I could see him through the door, probably screaming at him as well. I wouldn't doubt Lando is getting the same from Zak Brown right now.

My mom waved me down letting me know she was leaving and I joined her, knowing there's no way I could talk to Charles some more in person. "I'm so glad Charles didn't get hurt. That was a massive crash. Is Lando mad at him? It seemed personal." My mom asked when the driver left the track. I didn't know how to answer her without giving away him and I had talked. "I'm not sure but it was a horrible crash. I'm glad he's okay too." I replied. "Should I ask him?" I added, crossing my fingers and clenching my jaw, hoping she says yes because then that gives me a reason to believe she's not as hateful towards him. "Yeah please do. Ask him how he's doing now awhile after." She said. My eyes widened and my jaw invisibly dropped. My dad would have never said yes to me texting him. I asked as if I did but really I texted Charles just letting him know I was at going back to the hotel. I also decided to text max.

So you just weren't gonna tell me?!

About what?

LANDO! He was trying to get with me and now he's mad he can't?! That's what caused all of this?!

Oh shit. That's right. Listen, you were going through a shit ton with Charles cheating, the last thing I was gonna hit you with was a "oh btw Lando is trying to get his dick wet." You nearly died already, you didn't need anymore stress.

Still Max!! Do you see what it's caused now?! Stupid fucking rumors and nearly killing Charles. You're like my older brother Max, don't be hiding shit from me.

I'm just trying to protect you Lana. Stop being so stubborn and thinking you have to fix or prevent everything.

Max had only made me more upset over the situation. Max and I never hide anything from each other so I was pissed he hid this from me. I could've put a stop to it all before it even happened but I couldn't!

When we got back to the hotel i gave Mila a quick FaceTime call and I told her about the Lando and Charles situation and what mom had said about texting him. We decided to bring him up together to her. I told my mom Charles said he was fine and that was all. That was a lie, only things we'd been texting about were our plans for the week

"Oh good. You know honey, I really do miss him and when you're not around, I see how much of a change he's made and I hate to admit it but, I hope your dad is realizing it." She said to me. Mila and I looking at the phone in shock, she started mouthing the words "say something" so I said "yeah! I miss him too. I'm glad he's making changes that are noticeable. But I definitely miss him too." I looked back at the camera shrugging and Mila still shocked. "Yeah I'll talk to your dad. I understand he loves you and is protective but Charles is an amazing man." She said back.

I just walked back to my room in the suite with Mila still on the phone. "What the fuck!" I whispered to her as I shut my door. "I would have never expected Mom to forgive Charles this fast!" She said. "Me neither! This is random, maybe she saw him and I or something?" I said.

"Is there any chance she might've heard you and Charles screaming at each other?" She asked.

"Oh fuck." I said out loud dropping my phone on my bed. "Yep. Good job Lana. Can't wait to hear what dad does now!" She said with a huge laugh. Fucking A. This is gonna be bad. I forgot how easily you can hear yelling the Ferrari team room. I can handle my dad, but I can't handle if the press and fans find out.

Smile. - c.l.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora