Arriving to Hythica

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Big black guy ate a flying chiggly nigglyt wiggly big buff flag. I hve the power in hte hour nnopb, suck my balllsls or wosoifnisk... The boig black guy nameed was Hunk cauase every1 want a chunk of his juicy bums. "Yeah yeah eyeah," say hunk. why me say like bounce. he hoped to house with mum. Than him say my new pronon r nick/her. OK. use me new pronon. MKAY.". He parent we very excited and stupdenidoulsy obligated for ominous winds of the ripples of time and to sea light hordenious monster hoisioned the acnor. Hunk went to a portal where he woke up with his eniemyies. It take him to a new majical world of hythica. It was land of ancient old elven language with tom bobby bananas. Hunk were excited to explore the indegnious area. Nick liked the huckleberries nd found 98 new fruits of new fruition. jone jake junior havoc uppon the racial boundaries of expienfnf4i porpportoal fractions of trhe denomenat4oers of by marienbwa. The forst frosty night of potentaila grew as her shrivlerdd to a big black ball. the cchonklines of the worlds and the hyperbolic world of new beginbgins werer he wouuld start life of never seen world. Nick had the power of hte big black chunks of epic porportions. The owlldd waas cold and endearing, he didn't care. he would exlpore the new elven land of hythica with new found pasison of glory. The fragulents of the new world of the elven hythica was dark and chiully o f the old fragents smels of the new world. He work up eawrly grilled his pan kake. Than he scattered across the board wiotbbnso the new airea of the new laNdcasdfofof of hythica. THe areadas of new found he walekd thtrouogh the land with an big black ominous sky over thge world., AThe goruond was blackk as hunk skin. Theyn he looked and saw village. the vullgagew was filed wityh ching chongians. Nick ran over tose. "你好,你好大黑人。你在这里做什么" say old man of ching chong. "pardon, you elven thi=ough wrifht." "no said old man" "you musg lern m=way of the land of here of Hythica. We are the old farm village of the decendents of the historical clabn of ching chong." "what is your incompentence of you old mawn.' you dont seee the ingenoious of the millers of the man" sayz huunk the black man. Then th eolxs man took him in the old fashioned hous of hid an e fgive ghim ferwesh tea rite of the kittlesfaw. Then nick spit it out causeds it taste very biter of the toungue so he spit ut out an dcried. Than he hit the table nd saiqad fo rehim to train hinm. Th eold man said he name were3 Honda. Than ghe train him to farm like pro and told him to woke hard and tuh nefver give up. Ater 8 year of farmibng, Hunk werer storng. He cold left titanical car of massive porportions. He could left yp haevy as semitruck. Tey old man thanked him and al the oter vullegrs tanked him for his help nd for his big black seed. theey told him of trhe evil malifienct perspn who caputre vulgalfe and the conquesrer of the Hythica labnd. WThe said fror himm to try to stop the evil doer ad to end there regin. Hunk traveled trhough the mythical Hyr=thicia land. he tooko a boy name TONY along cause th=ey become friends in the village. TOny was ching chongian. He werer good at stuff and meth. Hunk said, "we musdt go on journey to stop the villians or we will die from eniemies trying ro do thei r forbidden ways awnds ." Tony relunctentlyt agreeds with theis. Thy set of wit ther map heding to the fortess of solitude. the=y walkef for 92 dastyys. tey took stops at diffeer villager sn pillagers acroos the time. then they made it to ther.

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