The Vampire Fortress

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The fortess wrere huge and the grouond was of magneisum foil. thye nocked up the door and the fortess shuck with rumble. terror built upo inwsidew of tony and hunk. Hunk was elite figghter at shool land got all the A+ so he were not scared. Hunk kivked wall and broke it and toney followed. Than elven guards wereing black armors with swords and chain and shields and spears and guns and stuff. Hunkk use Ninja skill as he jumped to strile one hed off and did a trippled colat back flip which kill more and bullet rushed him but he dodge withh majical skill and he grope sword and swung slicing the leg off of one. Tony kicked floor whitch caused ther too be spike to rise and the spike hit s[ike cause spike did spike like that it use eaarth spike which hit man and piecred through hard and then hunk kicked the spike to impale another man. wild mannings were the cummmubngs offfdsf thehehe hittings of the filligns of the fweoea. the twos buds rannings up through thee hallwasy and hunk spled on table while lspin like fidged spinnner to kicik off more enimemies heds. this caused mental seisure in onoe which cauw4d him too turn into big moonsyer. he howled and he jumoed and lungged kicking the looong table to the floor and he grabb spear and sett it ablaze. he loomed over the way of the and speared the floor causing and earrthquake of entense emotions to rise and the next6 person next to hinm died but it wass his teammate os it sont really mat4ter that much. Than tony ysed his master skills and used swords the hit the tip of his spear slicing it off. Then the monnster jumped and hrabbed hunks ankle and than he crushed it and through him at toney. toney got really hurts and same as hunk. than monster kicked hunk and reapeat punchy him while throwing toney at the wall and slamming him the the atomic pan. "AWOO" you guys will never pass me. you black guy shall die first" the monster said "you th ewrong pronon. this enlightned the abomi=nous monster with a spute of rageb but hunk got madd as hell and whiplashed his rage and his built up majestical powers and he got the strength of the ancetsors aand the soul of the old man and punshed the abominal monster right in the gut creating a massive hole in him. Blood spewwed everywere in the room and toney and hunk fell to the floor. they covered in blood everywerer. They got yp and then walkedf up thy stairs of thy hall of the looming fortress. The stairs were severed at the end so the pair of friends had to juj p over it. Then they wree on the seconds floofr. They skipped and saw more gruntss and thy beatt them to aa bloody pulps one after anither one and anohter one and mor eand so on and more and then they saw it, a berry of life. It were rare berry heardsa in ancient selven legenbs. it woulds grant immortality. so hunk toook it and ate it and gave small bit too toney. they caused hunk to have abilty to live for 1 million yer since he not eat the whole entire berery of life. toney gain part and abiliuty to live for 1000 year sine he sate small part of othe eberry. then thewy tyraveld to the next floor of the gothhic forteress, the final floor and the final coutbdowbn. then thyt lefft to go and fight ethe villiabn of thge castle and ask hiknm to show them wrewr the final enimey and there boos is to end thew reign kf bgt weio villians and evil doer to t=free Hythcica/ . time for the ginal coutnadown sai edht eviel villian sof the final cohntwdonw. the villian was a big masive vam[pire on the thrown. "WHERe IS YOU ARE LEADEr! we fwill kkill him to free the magical elven lands of Hythica" "NEVER, younn iwll never find hom nor shall anyone and you will certaainly not kill him such aas you cuzz your a mortal who does not dair stair and evewn compare to him such as a wealking as yu. I fyou cants not beat me you can nevewr hope to defeat him cuzz your gonnna lose to himm and me hahahahahaha you shall die and sufer to face the consequence of attacking my fatal tower of ominous gothic charm. the world shall t[know of your edath and fear me and no one hslal live no more cuz no one shalll muahahahahahahahhahahaahhaha." Than they rushed at the vampire name the one and chosen Hurambay. Thye spiked at him with the world at there side and they would not lpose as tgey swore to the old man at the vullage and thewy did this for humanity. they sent combos of kickzhifw abnd punshes as thge swept the gorund. the vamiere was 2uick and agile and no one in there right mind wold belive that fools like toney woul d beat himm but such wasnot trye since Hunk was not fooil and toneyw was no either cuz whu not. the vampire bite Hunk one nefk and drank blood but toney stabbed spear in his eye and kcik his balls.thewy collided ewith tthe evil vampire fof shadows and flbood. and they clashed and cuhpowefd with him. no one will neve2r face a battllle liket his ever. thevampire grab neecro swords and swunggg and hit t34h grownd. t4he grund shake and the fortess collapsee and toney and hunk feel like the oblivion and fell to boottom and curhs by buildiing rubnble. Then the bloody vampire hurabay flew up nd got ready for the final pounce to kill them but toney got nad and got up andd then hewe usse the power of his ancestors and summoned ghost and the ghost whent in hunk and gvve him powers of plague and fthen he posions the vamppers bloods and than he goot really sickk and torny sent volleyt of energy blassts and than hunk sent a mea mega mega poewer balla ttt him yfpll of energy enoguh to destroy new york city 8 times. the potenital of the expoental expoent and the areae of mass cubical area of the features of the hypberoiblic anicent ness killed the vsmoire, but they nevver new were the boss was. so they woyld dhaave to go to another area to find oyt werer i he was. So they rush to another vullage to get healings from and thy learned that hunk was slowly cuming vampire nd gaiend sum vampiric abilties. he grew the front teeth on him and he was befoming more powerful and he also kep the spirtits of toneys ancvetotrs plague ghost in him too so he weres very poerful and no one but toney new ths. The vampire poer dieases weis spreading like wild sfitrer inside o f hinm and he didnntg now what to do about this so he say he wold keep the poer so he would be storng and would g=fight the big bad vil;lian. Hunk and toney reset at hospital for 2 years cuz they were hurt that bad yeah. I wan thwhoopy dsuaid toney later. said hunk. They had planend to attack another fortess but this one was mu my fortessa nd it was stornger than thbe lastt forstress of vampirws and they wwere scare biut they knew they had to to save the olrds of hthica and to save the old mans vullage and the peoppofmew inside to give them a good life and a happy lfie a nd fwea a prosperoyse worlsd were3 they couyld live in so they had to and their're was no sotpping them and no one wold stop or get in there way not even there moms or dsays or sibllingsd or nothin. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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