"eddies quest" part 2 of "the new nighbhoors"

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Authors note:this will be in eddies prov once we get to Franks house in this

Soon eddie reaches his and Franks house

Eddies prov

Once I get to Franks house I knock on it waiting for my husband to answer they do I immediately hug him

"Hi love! " I say hugging them tight but not too tight at the same time "hi hun. What are you doing here? You already gave me my mail for today" he says smiling a bit "well Wally wanted to inform ya that we are getting new neighbors" I say smiling and putting frank down

"Neighbors?? Don't we usually get one?" I responded "yeah but apparently it's more than one so there's something new! " I say still smiling through then I look to see there face a bit annoyed "hm... New neighbor's just mean more people to annoy me" I kiss then on the forehead "aw Frankie I'm sure you will find someone who doesn't annoy you. I mean we are getting a handful of them they will all be in the restaurant next to howdy's store. Oh! That reminds me I came here to tell you that Wally told me to tell you guys to make something for the new neighbors I think you and the kids can think of something right hun? "

"Hm yeah I think we can make something for them I'll have to get the kids later but you might see them at howdy's they are there right now and I'm sure they will be there for quite some time" I think for a bit "hm.. Alright well I have to go, love you" I kiss them on the check before waving bye as I go to howdy's

Once I walk in howdy's store the door chimed like usual but I stop in the front frozen to see my kids arguing in front of howdy I felt a little empressed knowing howdy knew who Archie and Andrew partners were (Archie and Andrew are my ocs that are the kids of Eddie and frank)

Howdy saw me and waved "hey Eddie! Say why you here I thought you already helped me? " he asks grabbing Archie with one of his arms and Andrew in another "I did but Wally just informed me to tell everyone else that we are getting new neighbors and to tell everyone else to make them something or bring something ya'know" "well I say! That sure is exciting oh! And I heard form Wally who came before you did he told me that one of the neighbors like to tell jokes and just jokes in general so if Barnaby tells on of his jokes to them" howdy said giving me Archie and Andrew "oh and these kids are a handful about you take them and when you can give them to frank? "

"Sure howdy and yeah that's interesting sure Barnaby will enjoy another person who likes jokes and telling them Ya'know? " "of course alright bye now" howdy said waving as I left "bye howdy!"

After taking the kids home I decided to go to Julie's since she was right next door I wasn't expecting poppy and Sally with Julie once I opened the door but they were with her "oh hey Julie, Sally and poppy say I didn't expect to see you guys with Julie" "oh why yes but me and Sally went to Julie's right after you gave us our mail darling" poppy said checking Julie's oven seemed like they were baking "yeah Eddie! My play needed some pasties so poppy and I decided to go to Julie's for help" Sally said a bit dramatic like always

"Eddie!!! How's the kids? " Julie asks me as she ran up to hug me "oh ah well ya'know a handful but they might be taking a nap right now they did have a little argue that may have tired them out" I said hugging Julie back julie was one of the few that me and frank decided to tell that we had kids

"Any who Wally wanted me to tell everyone else that we are getting new neighbors" Julie started to jump up and down after she let go of me "eeee! More than one?! I'm so happy I could explode!!! " "woah woah now Julie calm down a bit would ya? Don't want poppy to worry even more than she probably does already" I said knowing what Julie said was not real and more like a metaphor but still very worried

"Oh I can make them some pie or cookies! " poppy exclaimed seemed to be very happy "poppy! I have a wonderful idea how about the play I'm putting on will be the gift form all of us?! And me obviously" Sally said eyes brightened like the star she is and I mean literally like the star she is since she's an actual star

"Oh that's a wonderful idea Sally! " poppy said with me and julie nodded our heads to say that we agreed "and I can make them something as well maybe they will like cake" julie said looking at poppy most likely saying that she wants poppy to help her with the cake "that's also a wonderful idea julie we can make is when I make the cookies" poppy said guess she chooses cookies makes sense since they might not like apple pie

"Oh well I gotta go I think Barnaby is with the neighbor.. Alright bye! " I said waving to the girls as they waved back to me I then headed to Barnaby's house and like I thought to neighbor was with them I knocked on his door and Barnaby answered with the neighbor behind him

"Oh hey Barnaby hey neighbor" I said as I tipping my hat to both of them "hey Eddie me and neighbor were just telling jokes! " "oh that's great I came here to day that Wally wanted to tell everyone that there's new neighbors coming" "oooo! Neighbor do you wanna tell them a joke with me? " neighbor nodded their head so I assumed it was a yes based off of Barnaby's reaction

After a while I had left everyone had settled in on what they were going to give the new neighbors and I guessed that Wally would give them a painting so I went back to the post office to make the new neighbors something

Authors note:sorry if this is long and if I missed anyone pls tell me again if this was out of character for anyone then sorry and sorry if this was a bit bad I'm not good with a first person pov when it comes to this stuff

"jeez what's up with the new neighbor or more like neighbors" Part 1Where stories live. Discover now