Meeting Gavi

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As soon as I spot Xavi, I run to him and embrace him in the biggest hug. He pulls away and takes my suitcase from me. "I'll take that." He insists. I nod in response, and walk to his car. He walked us to the taxi, and we talk about when I was in America. "no no, and you said that they call it a.. a what sorry?" He asks, in pure disbelief. "Soccer. Soccer ball." I reply. He knew that, I think he was being sarcastic or forgot.

Before I know it, we're at Xavi's house, and wow it's literally the size of Mars. Not actually of course, it's just.. wow. I walk in and follow him up the stairs. "This, this is where you will stay." He gestures to his spare room. "thanks!" I say, walking in and unzipping my suitcase. Thankfully, my room has my own bathroom, so I don't have to share with boys, trust me it is not pleasant. I start unpacking and organising, when Xavi barges in. "Hm?" I question. Could he knock? "The boys are coming over," He says, examining my room. "Nice decorating by the way." He says, turning around to exit my room. "Wait, Xavi, who's 'the boys'?" I ask, he hadn't really told me about his friends. "Oh like you know, the team." He utters, exiting. Oh. Those friends.

He is not serious. I look absolutely horrible. I look like an ogre, even Milo agreed this morning. I pull out some jeans and a floral cropped top. This could be better than what I'm wearing now. I change into my new outfit, and curl my eyelashes, add mascara, and carefully apply lipgloss. I turn to open my door, before Xavi does it for me. "Just wanted to say they're here now." He informs me, before turning around and shouting something in Spanish to 'the boys.' If I'm being honest, I really don't want to go down, but, I know I'll have to one day, so let's get it over with. I walk down the stairs and follow the voices, which lead to the kitchen.

Xavi pulls me to him and says, "muchachos, esta es mi sobrina, amelia, ella no sabe mucho español así que ingles a su alrededor por favor."
(boys, this is my niece, amelia, she doesnt know much spanish so english around her please.) An echo of 'hellos' runs around the room, before Xavi speaks again. "Amelia, this is Gavi and Pedri," he says, gesturing to them both individually. "They are close in age with you and I think you'd be good friends." He informs. I examine the two boys. The one he labelled as 'Gavi' notices and quickly looks down to the floor.

Before long, they all end up playing fifa, except for Gavi and Pedri, in whom I'm sitting in silence in the kitchen with, before Pedri starts up a conversation. "Hey Amelia, what brought you to Spain?" He asks, looking genuinely interested. "Well, my parents thought i need to 'do things for myself' so they flew me here." I explain. He nods, before saying something else. "The team is going to the beach after this if you'd like to come with us." He says, looking at me for my answer. "Hm, I'll check if I can with Xavi, but otherwise, sure. I'll go ask him now." I reply, getting up and walking to Xavi.

"Yes sure you can, mi sobrina, but you need to stay with them, I don't need you getting hurt." He states, making it very clear on his thought. I nod, and walk back to the counter where Gavi and Pedri were. "What did he say?" Gavi asks. I sigh, before preparing an answer. "He said no" I reply, looking at the floor. "Oh that's a shame, I really wanted you to" he states, looking at the floor. "Im kidding he said yes." I say, a grin forming on my face. They stare at me, looking annoyed at my prank, before Pedri says, "do you want to have a pillow fight?" He asks. I get the impression that he's still a child. A child inside a grown man's body. I nod, and look to Gavi who also nods. I grab them both by their wrists and pull them to my room.

I grab one of my pillows, and hit Gavi in the head with it, but Pedri defends Gavi and hits me on my hair. My jaw drops and I narrow my eyes at Pedri. I think he noticed because he spoke up. "Sor-" he starts, before I cut him off by jumping onto him and hitting him with my pillow 4 times. They both chase me out of my room and I jump over the couch, run around the couch 2 times, before someone grabs onto my waist and pulls me back. "GET HER PEDRI!" Gavi shouts in my ear. I kick and squeal, trying to get out of Gavi's grip. Everyone in the room was staring at me, Gavi, and Pedri. I ended up getting out of gavis grip and attacking him with my pillow, before Xavi told us to stop being immature.

"Go get changed into your swimmers." Pedri told me, and I went upstairs, rummaged through my closet, and found my black bikini. I put on some Jean shorts, and an oversized tee over the top of them. I fly out the door and down the stairs, to where everyone waits to go out the door. I follow them and say "Bye Xavi!" I get a wave from him in response. "Okay so we have lots of cars so just pick what car." Pedri says. I run to Pedri's car and open the back door. I buckle my seat belt before anybody else could even get into the car. "Amelia go in the middle your the smallest." Gavi tells me. I groan and unbuckle my belt and shuffle to the middle. "Happy?" I ask whilst buckling my belt. He nods. On my left is Gavi, to my right is ansu, Pedri is obviously driving, and alejandro is in the front. We're like sardines in a can as small as an ant.

okay so we met Gavi, now I get it this is like a boring chapter but like we're getting somewhere and the next one will be way way way wayyyyy better alright yep so anyway how do u like the story?? GIVE ME IDEAS PLEASE PLEASE IM LIKE ALREADY STUCK FOR IDEAS. I only have 1077 words guys..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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