Part 2

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A chuckle sounded from behind the curtain. The curtain was opened by the figure who was still seen laughing because of something.

She was the girl who previously teleported out of the room but she teleported to the hall. The girl smiled as if there was someone very stupid in front of her.

"You guys didn't move even though I have given the signal for lunch. Do you want to starve until dinner time and ignore your current hunger pangs?" She said then laughed again.

Everyone stared at their feet, their faces flushed with embarrassment. What the girl said was right, they should have left immediately. Their bodies are sore for sitting in a long time frame. But they hesitate for something that is not important. Now they understood why the girl was laughing.

the girl smiles,
"There is a special guest in the hall. It would be very rude not to welcome him right?" She said smiling mockingly.

Right after he said that the dragons who were in the back seats stood up together along with Tunka who smiled happily. The dragons immediately walked towards the hall and didn't care about the girl who was still laughing. They are dragons they don't accept being laughed at.

Meanwhile tunka who had just stood up immediately rushed towards the girl wanting to give her a revenge punch. But when his hand approached the girl he fell unconscious. The girl stared blankly at the tunka.

"Do you think I'm that easy?" The girl laughed again.

The girl snapped her fingers, everyone had teleported into the hall sitting on comfortable chairs. The girl turned around, the door closed things. The girl snapped her fingers again and then flew back up. She looked at everyone who looked hesitant to eat the food on the table.

"Don't you appreciate my mom's cooking?" She asked in a cold tone.

Everyone got goosebumps hearing that cold tone after so long the girl smiled sweetly at them. This tone was something else, the dragons at the far end of the seats eyed the girl suspiciously. That cold gaze was already as strong as their dragonfear. Now they looked at the girl with looks of disapproval and astonishment. That girl is not an ordinary girl.

The girl smiled then moved to the dragons side.
" You guys eat, the guests will be here in a moment. I'd like to speak to Mrs Sherrith for a moment. Is that okay?" He asked the dragons and Lord dragon sherrith who still couldn't believe this girl.

The side of the dragons was the side with the coldest aura, as they were just silent and still and silent. Sherrith hesitated a little but nodded. The girl smiled and took Sherrith's hand and went to one of the doors and closed it. The sound of cutlery colliding can be heard. They didn't want to be laughed at anymore, so they chose to eat. Soon all the people in the hall were enjoying the food on the table while talking and getting to know the people next to them.

The food is not bad, the taste of the food is perfect. This food is indeed not the only delicious food they have ever eaten. But the taste of this food is something new for them. Shortly after, sherrith came out of the room with a happy face holding a key. She sat back on her seat and eat with a beaming face.

The dragons looked at him in surprise, but chose not to ask because of his ego. The only table that had no sound was the table of the dragons. They did not speak at all. And of course it's all because of their ego, when starting a conversation they would be humbled by their title as a dragon.

All the food served has run out. The girl snapped her fingers moving all the dirty plates and cutlery from the table. By now everyone was used to things disappearing when the girl snapped her fingers. Tunka was the only one not in the hall. He had been teleported to the recovery room and was sprawled on the bed that had been prepared.

||  𝗍ᑲ᥆ᥲһ rᥱᥲᥴ𝗍іᥒg 𝗍᥆ ᥴᥲᥣᥱ  ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora