Drew x May

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Hiya! was looking at cute pics of pokemon couples and thought it would be cute to write four one-shots that i have loosely based from the pics i liked!
(Pics I use are not mine.) 
Hope y'all enjoy!

Drew stood on the lonely beach as he tried to take all the thorns off of the rose he had. "This rose has to be special for her!" he thought,", especially for this occasion."His mind went to this evening event where he had lost to Solidad again but he didn't care because it gave him an excuse to go out and start training again. Though this time, he was not focusing on training. Instead, he was trying to make a thornless rose for the girl who always came out to see him. "Must be perfect," he grunted, looking over the rose multiple times."What must be perfect?" Questioned a voice behind him." Nothing!" exclaimed Drew hiding the rose behind his back."So you doing your normal training after the festival tradition," smirked May."Like always June," replied Drew, doing his hair flip."It's May! Mister Rose!" She exclaimed."You know. Mister Rose seems romantic for a mean nickname," chuckled Drew trying to play it cool. May quickly grew flustered and blushed." Well you know I'm not good at nicknames!" She defended herself, then her eyes brightened," grass head."Drew chuckled at her new nickname for him."Ooft you hurt me," he stated with mock hurt. "So where do you plan to go now?" questioned May. "I was thinking about Kalos. I wanted to go watch some showcases to learn more about elegance in my appeals," Drew replied, tightening his grip on his now thornless rose. "Kalos! That's quite far away than most regions," she stated. " Yea, it is definitely," Drew blushed," what do you plan to do?"May grew flustered. "Well umm. I don't know but kalos does seem fun," she replied hesitantly.Drew didn't know if she was hinting at something but he knew this time was perfect.Well, maybe you wanna. I don't know. Travel with me around Kalos?" He questioned showing the thornless rose. May's eyes grew wide."Travel with you?" She stated, then blushed as she accepted the rose," I would love to.""I understand. You don't want to go with me" Drew sighed with his prepared disappointment before he realized the response," Wait really!""It will be cool to go to Kalos! I have also been intrigued by how elegant Showcases are!" May smiled. " I'll see you at the docks tomorrow at 8 am sharp and don't be late June," Drew exclaimed walking away so he wouldn't mess things up." see you there! Grasshead!" She replied, fingering the rose that held no thorns while blushing. In the shadows, a purple-haired guy couldn't help but notice the two.

Hoped ya enjoyed this first one-shot! I will try to update this everyday for the next three days but maybe not! depends on what happens in life! Also pardon for my weird writing style :). And another also! you don't have to but I would love to see your comments on what you think about this fic and point out any problems! I find it awesome to find out how I can make my fics better by figuring out what people think about the fic :)
Just no cussing :)

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