{HeeSun} - you get hurt by fans

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You and your boyfriends were just making your way through the city together, enjoying the beautiful day.

The sun was shining and the weather was beautiful, making for a very nice and enjoyable day.

You were smiling from ear to ear and enjoying every single second spent with them.

It's been a while since they've had some free time so they're just as happy as you are to be able to enjoy the nice day and be with you.

You were talking to them about something that happened at work the other day when, suddenly, you all heard a scream come from across the street.

Heeseung looked over first and he saw the fans gathering across the street as they recognized your boyfriends.

"Oh, no." He said.

"Fans?" Sunoo asked, to which Heeseung nodded.

You felt a little nervous because even though the fans like you and support your relationship, sometimes they can forget about you and your safety in the midst of the excitement and chaos.

Sometimes, they're so focused on your boyfriends that they don't realize they're overwhelming you.

Your boyfriends figured they'd just take a few photos and meet a few fans and then everything would be fine and you could all continue on with your day.

But as they rushed across the street, they were quick to notice that there were a lot of them.

More than just the few that had first recognized them.

That scream had grabbed people's attention and the excitement from those fans as they pointed out who was just across the street from them made more people gather around.

And now, there's a ton of fans and they're all hurrying across to the three of you.

You tried to stay calm as they all swarmed around you and your boyfriends.

As usual, they remained kind and greeted the fans politely, despite how overwhelming it could be.

Their hands slipped out of yours, which wasn't exactly unexpected.

You knew they'd probably take a few photos and talk with a few of them.

But as their hands slipped out of yours, you didn't have anything to grab onto and the fans began to push at you to get closer to the boys.

You ended up being pushed further and further away from your boyfriends.

You thought you'd just go and sit on the curb until they were done.

But before you got the chance, as you continued to get pushed, you ended up falling onto the ground.

You scraped your hand on the sidewalk and fell onto your back, hitting your head, though not too hard, on the ground as you fell.

Your boyfriends were quick to notice that you were no longer beside them and they stopped everything to find you before Sunoo saw you on the ground a few feet away.

"Y/N!" He said, tugging at Heeseung's hand to lead him over to where you were.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" Heeseung asked.

Your hand was bleeding and your head hurt from the fall.

"I hit my head." You said and winced as Sunoo's fingers brushed against the sore spot on your head. "That hurts."

"I'm sorry, baby." He said. "You've got a little bump."

"Your hand's bleeding but not too bad. I think you'll be okay but we should go home just to clean you up and make sure you're okay."

You nodded and stood up with their help.

They both kept a protective grip on you, though it wasn't painful or too tight, as they walked through the crowds and led you back home.

"You'll be okay in no time, baby. We promise." Sunoo said.

"We're so sorry you got hurt," Heeseung said.

"It's not your fault." You said.

"But we feel bad nonetheless," Sunoo spoke.

"We promise, next time, we won't let you get hurt," Heeseung said.

"We won't let anyone hurt you or let anything happen to you again. We swear." Sunoo said.

You could tell they felt bad so you gave them kisses and promised them you were alright.

"I'm fine, I promise."

"Okay. But you're getting spoiled with cuddles and we're going to relax and watch some movies anyways." Heeseung said.

You couldn't help but smile, liking the sound of that.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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