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This is a work of fiction, Names, characters, places, events and the incidents are either the products of the Author's Imagination only..

Our Untold Story

Hi, I'm Leigh. and i have thantopobia, I'm afraid of being abandoned by the people I love. That's why I don't make many friends.

Because I know that when they lose their appetite for me, they will leave me behind. But there was someone who made me feel that he would not leave me.

And that was Thomas, my friend since we were in kindergarten. but I didn't want to destroy our friendship, so I avoided falling for him.

I feel like he's the man who won't leave me. But who knows? He might leave me in the air, but in our current situation.. it's impossible for him to do that to me.

                 " Present  Time "

While I was walking, going to their house, I noticed that I had forgotten something. But I didn't pay attention because it was a waste of time and we were late for school.

Thomas and I always go in together, our family is very close to each other. and when I got to their house tomas... shit! I was surprised to see tomas..

He smells so good, like he's flirting with someone. And tomas talked to me, because I was like a statue when I saw him.

" Hey! " Thomas said to me while I gaped and stared at him. " Hey hi! I'm sorry," I said to Tomas at the same time. It's like you saw a ghost when you saw me, leigh. Tomas told me

Come on Thomas, we're going to be late for school!  OK! don't be angry hahaha. He took my hand at the same time. When he did that, I could hardly breathe. what am i feeling?? My heart was beating fast, and I couldn't move.

But I just regretted it, because I know that Thomas only thinks of me as a friend, and I don't want to lose him because he's the only one I have.

When we were in school, we separated from each other because we were in different sections. and while I was walking in the hallway, Thomas called me and he said at the same time, "Hey, Leigh, be careful!"

"Sure! You too" I said to Thomas, and as I walked to our room I noticed that I was smiling, and it was as if I only felt it now.

This is the feeling when you love someone. It's nice to feel that it makes you happy, but I can't stop it because of trauma's, my trust issue and so on. All I can think of right now is My feelings for him won't last long either.

                  " Thomas Pov "
Leigh's weird, why does Leigh seem like that to me? It's like when we met, she saw a ghost. A lot of things are going through my mind right now, but I just let it go because she's just not used to me being like that.

I want to tell leigh, that I want help on how to flirt with a girl. and advice because I'm not good at flirting.. because there's a woman who makes my heart beat.

And I hope Leigh accepts that, and I hope she helps me court Clarisse. I've wanted Clarrise for a long time, And I can see in her eyes that she is going to be my wife someday.

                " Leigh Pov "

It's like I feel that Tomas loves another woman. Maybe I'll love him secretly.. I can't force Thomas if he loves someone else, who am I to make people love me?

I'm used to it. I grew up not being loved by my parents and my friends leaving me alone, so I won't be surprised if tomas leaves me too. When I said that I love him.

wait why am I thinking about him? I can't focus on what I'm studying.. Stop that leigh! You are friends with tomas.Don't love him, you'll just get hurt... I was surprised because when we had lunch, Thomas called me and said that we met at our hangout place and he wanted to tell me something.

A lot of things came to my mind at that time, what if he confesses to me or what if he tells me that he loves me too? As I walked to our anchorage, I was nervous to go to him at that time...

when I sat next to him, he held my hand and slowly said "Leigh, I know we've been friends for a long time, I hope you'll accept what I'm about to say." I was nervous about what he was saying. Does he know the truth? And I said to him "huh? do you know the truth?" and at the same time tomas said to me "leigh, can you help me court clarrise?"

Oh, ah, let me help you so that you and Clarisse can be together... while smiling, when I heard what Tomas said, my heart broke. And what I was afraid of has come.

I noticed that there were tears on my face, I wiped my tears with my uniform. And Thomas asked me, "Leigh, what are you telling me? What do I need to know?" I can see the surprise on his face and I can feel his nervousness.

I slowly said "forget about that Thomas, I need to leave because it's getting late." and I ran fast, I didn't notice that I left my book with him.

When I got home, I ran to my room. I was like a child crying secretly so my family wouldn't know....

While I'm crying, I'm telling myself that.. avoid him, Leigh! but how? I am very attached to Thomas.. It's hard but I have to do it, because Thomas is my friend. I don't want to hurt Thomas

I fell asleep while crying.... I didn't go in for a few days, I didn't eat, I didn't even leave my room. It's been a few days and we were expecting Thomas to come to our house, and Thomas said to me "hey leigh! " Get out of there! Did I do anything to you? I didn't pay attention to Thomas, and I told him while I was crying, "Go away Thomas, I don't feel like talking to people right now."

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