Getting to know

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Alexandra May Williams -A girl who lived normally in life and she's pretty cause all girls are beautiful she has almost have a perfect life until family problems came and she almost went to suicide but when she was surfing on the internet she saw a guy and she watched all his youtube videos and start wonedering who is he. Then she find out, that guy is internet famous. Until weeks passed by she find out that all of her problems magically went gone when she's watching weeklychris videos that saved her to harm herself and yup his screen name is weeklychris and also known as Christian Josiah Kirk Collins. And when she's bored or depressed she watch weeklychris's videos,play guitar cause she loves to sing and go skate boarding

Christian Josiah Kirk Collins - his a internet famous also known as weeklychris and he has a perfect family and i admit he's sooo freakin' hot like fire every girls wanted to be with him. And he has one big sister Kirsten Joy Collins,one younger brother Crawford John Daniel Collins but actually they just like irish twins and one younger sister Karisma Collins. He's eyes changed to blue,grey and green depends on what color of his shirt.He is a rapper break it down yoooww!

Crawford John Daniel Collins - as you can see he is the brother of chris*weeklychris * and he loves to eat pizza and he also like donut he's so cute with his dimples and yeah he's so sweet he calls his fan babe,bae or baby. He also liked rain and watch netflix he's sooo cool right? ❤

Mary sophia Mc'Clurry - she is the the only one bestfriend of alexandra they were close to each other like they're sisters and she's into a band in their school. She's pretty and have that innocent look.

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