Vernon: making out while you give him a handjob

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okay hear me out, he's sitting next to you on the couch during a cliche movie night. you know he's needy as fuck during these nights but currently, you're feeling a little confused as to why he's more into the movie rather than you.

Sure, it's a movie he's been wanting to see for like half a year but?? it's vernon??? usually, thirty minutes in he's trying to lay down with you and thigh fuck you while he watches or something. Not this time though.

So naturally, that's a challenge.

It starts with your hand straying from your lap into his lap. He's so into the movie though that, well, he barely even notices.

You continue, gripping his thigh through those loose sweatpants and seeing him jump and look at you curiously. You shrug, playing it off as if you're not jealous that his attention is elsewhere.

A few more minutes go by and your hand makes its way up. Up, and up until you're at his belly, rubbing the warm skin that sits under his waistband.

"What're you doing?" He asks, with narrowed eyes and a slight smile.

You shrug again, playing it off until you can get your hand in his pants.

There he is, this is the vernon you know. Despite his cock being entirely soft when you make your way into his pants, he hardens almost instantly.

Not long after, he's whimpering and fucking up into your palm, asking for more, needing more.

You don't give it to him though, keeping your languid strokes steady even as his hips stutter to try and gain a faster pace. His broken whines are enough for you, the movie long forgotten.

You almost feel bad, but you know you'll just restart it later for him, so you can fall asleep on his shoulder or something. For now though, you want to see how long he can last with a pace he isn't used to.

By the time he's trying to kiss you, you allow him. Kissing him lazily and laughing into it at his desperate attempts to move his hips, and he only falls into it more and more. His entire cock is coated with pre-cum by this point and you ask him, "Do you want to come?"

He goes silent as he holds his breath, already releasing into his sweats and against your fingers, shuddering at the feeling and latching his lips onto yours.

You always loved it when he does this, breathlessly kissing you through his climax. Unable to take a breath, not even wanting to. The moan he releases at the end is always a delicious kind of sound when his lips are on yours, a low hum from his throat when his entire body tenses and your hand squeezes the head of his cock to milk the last bit out. 

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