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POV: Izuku
Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya or as my class knows me, Ryuu Hayashi (hi-ya-she).  Ever since my fourth birthday my life has gone to total hell. From being bullied relentlessly at school to  being abused to the brink of death at home. When I was in my last week of summer right before UA started I dyed my hair white and my eyes black with white pupils while also running away from home and is now temporary living with my teacher(s) and their son.

Today All might was having us do a surprise swimming lesson. "SHIT!" I thought and tried to tell him that I didn't feel to good. " Young Hayashi, you are fine" All might said shoving me into the water. All at once the foundation on my scars washed off, the hair dye came out my hair and my contacts fell out.

Everyone was staring at me like I was a whole new person well except for bakugou. "SHITTY DEKU HOW THE HELL IS A QUIRK LESS FUCK LIKE YOU IN UA!!" He asked coming towards me popping explosions in his palms. Just then Mina, Momo, Hanta, and Denki walked in from of me while preparing their quirks. " get the FUCK away from him now" Momo said with a glint in her eyes.

Time skip to home room brought to you by a lazy ass me

Once we got to home room Aizawa called me up to the front of the room. "DEK- Shut the fuck up you abusive ass bully" Mina interrupted bakugou. " Hello My name is Izuku Midoriya I am quirkless have gotten abused and bullied since I was four and I live with sensei right now as I have run away from home" I said quickly then practically running back to my seat.

Most everyone kept yelling at me telling me I'm worthless and should not be in UA all except for the four that protected me and Aizawa. I mean Damn, even Ass Might was yelling that.

" shut the hell up all might you know it's me I was the one you told not to be a hero last year. Also I know your secret, that quirk is not fucking yours, it belongs to my fucking uncle. Also y know if it's true I do believe that you were quirk less before gama gave you it oh and my gama is Nana Shimura so I would like you to please shut the fuck up other wise you the worst fucking hypocrite I've ever seen." I told all might loudly and calmly.

His face paled and he ran out of the room telling me that he will put me in jail for spilling government knowledge to a class that they know for sure has a traitor they just don't know who. " you! Ikorodot otohs leave now! you fucking traitor run, run back to your rehtorb, I will deal with you later when I go see my pops." I yell and said person runs like his life depends on it.

Everyone's eyes went wide and they almost got whiplash from turning their heads so fast to face me again. " SHITTY DEKU, YOU SHOLDV TAKEN MY ADVICE AN- and I will just let me say fairwells," I say to him itching to punch him and mostly itching to cut.

That night I wrote a note sent nii-Chan and papa a text then blocking everyone but the four and Aizawa, then I walked up to the roof. I walked to the edge took off my shoes and coat sticking them in a corner, ..........

And jumped.

Hi I will write more of both my books soon but I wanted to share the prologue before the real book and tell you that the "weird words" I typed are typed backwards so yeah! and thank the following user for Giving me this idea for a book. And without further do thank you>>>> XxR0ug3xw0lf 😁
Word count: 662

Worth The Jump [Deku X Hawks] DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now