+Cato: Historic Origins+

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Hello everyone! Today's writing will be about the Historic significance of Cato's role in the Hunger Games series, as well as the connotations and connections the character has with his historic counterpart!

+Cato the Younger+

Cato the younger was a man who lived in ancient Rome,  a time period the world of Panem is largely inspired by. He was the grandson of Cato the Elder. What is important to know about Cato the younger is that he was fiercely devoted to upholding traditional Roman values and the practice of stoicism, a way of life that seeks to rid oneself of human emotions and sentiments. Cato was an elite from his early childhood, and became active in politics at an early age. Cato was known for adopting more archaic roman traditions, which appealed to the conservatives of the empire. "By adopting the archaic style of dress found on statues of Rome's ancient heroes, he sought to present himself as the ideal of Roman virtue," states a writing from his time. Cato fought in wars as well, famously using a sword as his main weapon.However, it is important to note that while Cato sought to adhere to stoicism, on many occasions his emotions shined through and he was unable to contain himself. In the end, when Cato fought in the civil war against Julius Caeser, he famously decided that he would rather die than see Rome fall and committed suicide by his own sword. Below are some facts about Cato the Younger I found interesting.

-Cato privately confided that the war was hopeless and that he would abandon Rome regardless of the victor.

-After Pompey's defeat and his own cause's defeat by Caesar in Africa, he preferred to take his own life rather than beg or receive Caesar's pardon. His suicide turned him into a martyr for and a symbol of the Republic.

-His political influence was rooted in his moralist principles and his embodiment of Roman traditions that appealed to both senators and the innately conservative Roman voter.

-His sartorial choices were modelled on statues of Rome's legendary founders and heroes.

-"He made himself into a living example of the old-fashioned Roman... [he] tapped into the deep vein of patriotism and conservatism that ran through the blood of every Roman citizen... disagreeing with [Cato] seemed to be a rejection of Roman tradition and therefore of Rome itself."

+The meaning of the name Cato+ 

The most commonly known meaning for the name Cato is "All knowing." It may seem a bit strange as in the books and movies Cato is presented as being quite intellectually shallow and not the most thoughtful. However, I believe that this name and it's meaning were deliberately chosen to signify Cato's change in thought at the end of the first book. By the end of the book, Cato has figured out the true motives from the Capitol and is given the knowledge he lacked before. Although it took him until the brink of death to learn this, by the time the end came for him, he was in a way, "All knowing." 

+The Similarities+

If you can't already tell, the similarities between these two are quite in-your-face. One of the ones I find most glaring is that both Cato the Younger and Cato Hadley gave huge importance to upholding traditional ideals and preserving the idea of glory within their nations. I also found it interesting that Cato the Younger died in the midst of a Civil war, while Cato from the Hunger Games died just before it. They were both renowned in battle and used a sword, and I think that the fact that Cato the Younger committed suicide gives Cato Hadley's death a greater meaning. Cato did not kill himself, although his death was famously brutal and did somewhat take a sacrifice. He lost Clove, his respect for his nation, and his will to go on. I believe these similarities are not just speculation, as we know how much thought Suzan Collins puts into her writing. 

Well, that's it for my analysis. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Please leave a comment and tell me what you think!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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