Chapter One: The Match

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The cool winters air whipped around me as I made my way across the quidditch field, soaring above the ground. All around me, the rest of the Houses, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor have been chanting the name of the team they want to win, which to our dismay, happened to be Gryffindor. This is the main reason why myself and the rest of my team have been training so intensely over the last month. To finally beat Gryffindor, who for the past four years, have won the House Cup.
Most of my team run on pure motivation and anger, which, makes the games more intense. We're always the house that gets discriminated the most due to the horrors and traumas from years past, and we've tried so hard to change it. Sometimes we even try being nice to everyone around us, especially the kids from the Gryffindor house, but our 'reputation' has ruined all forms of trust. In the end, no matter what we do or say, we're always 'that no good, evil' lot of students.
"Y/n! To your left!"
Shouted Draco as he sped past me on his broom, being followed closely by Potter. The Gryffindor Seeker.
"On it!"
I shouted back, hoping he heard me over the wind and constant cheering. I stopped abruptly, causing my opponent to lose his balance, cursing me as he readjusts. He leans forward, pushing his broom to pick up its pace. I follow behind, catching up rather quickly until I'm beside him. He must of had the same idea as me, since we collided into each others side at the same moment. My move must of come unexpectedly as the Quaffle dropped from his hands, giving me my chance. I release the hold of my broom, allowing me to drop. My gloved hand grabs hold of the red ball and I floor myself forward, straight towards the hoops.
In the distance, I barely make out the games commentary. As I push forward, I'm moving swiftly in and out of other players, some from my team, and some from Gryffindors. Their chasers are tailing me, if it wasn't for my Firebolt, they would of caught up to me by now. The hoops are now in my view, guarded securely by Ron Weasley. As I approach, my hand grips onto the Quaffle. I swing my arm back, and then bring it forward to goal. I watch as a red cape is seen flying towards the ball, blocking it from reaching the goal.
"Damn you Weasley."
I mutter under my breath, my eyes meeting the red heads glare. A smirk crosses his face, almost smug about his actions. Just like everybody else, he loves seeing Slytherin lose. I lean to the left, turning myself around to join the game once again. I watch as Blaise catches the leather ball, gripping it tightly before heading in my direction. He calls out my name before throwing it at me. It hits my side with a soft thud and I make my way towards the goals yet again. Right as I'm about to get where I need to be, something collides into my side, causing me to lose my balance and direction. The next thing I know is, I'm falling into Goyle. The two of us hit something hard and cold, before falling to the ground. My right arm grips my side, massaging away the pain. I know that'll be bruised tomorrow. I blink the snow off of my lashes, staring back into the game, and realizing that the two of us fell into the goal posts before falling. Up above, I watch as Draco ignores the snitch, zooming after Ginny Weasley, Ronald's younger sister. I should of known those two would of  planned someone's downfall before the game. The Weasley's are known for playing as dirty as us on the field. 
"You better knock her down here Draco!"
I shout from below. Witnessing as my friend, and teammate smashes into her, causing the red head to descend. I watch as she hits the floor a few feet from me. I know I'll earn my team a foul for this, maybe even a detention, but they'll understand. This isn't the first time we've fought our opponents for similar reasons.
"Goyle, go!"
I shout, reassuring him I'll be just fine. He mounts his broom and kicks off. Joining our team for the rest of the game. Words fail me, nor do I have use for them in a time like this. As the red head, Ginny, goes to collect her broom, I don't hold back. My fist comes in contact with her jaw, making her fall back a step. I've never seen her lay a hand on someone else, but she's known for having a rather foul mouth when angry, so I don't know what to expect. All I know is, I'm prepared for what's to come.
Up above, I know Professor Dumbledore will be running or sending someone to fetch my Houses lead, Professor Snape. He doesn't attend games often, only when his house plays, but even then, it's not guaranteed he'll show up to those. He keeps to himself most of the time. For the time being, I have my own challenge to attend too.
For the next little while, our hands collide, grabbing fistfuls of hair, or coming in contact with some form of bone. A few cracks and crunches can be heard as we go at each other, and neither of us back down. My hands find her shoulders, pushing her down and away from me, allowing me a split second to grab my broom and rejoin the game. The fight was fun, but it got boring quickly. The real excitement was going on above us. I know my team needs me, and I must get back to it. My legs are now on either side of my broom, my foot about to push off from the snow covered ground when all of a sudden I hear my name being called, and not from the crowd above me. It's coming from someone on the ground.
"Don't you dare think about getting back on that broom. You're out!"
My heart drops as I take in the words that are being told to me. It takes a moment for the person in question to show themselves through the white colored wind. The black cape swirling around him, his hair being blown in different directions around his face. It's my House Lead, it's Snape. All I can feel now is anger that he'd do this. I know he wants us to win as much as we do. Why would he do this?
"My team needs me! I can't believe you'd do this to us, your own house!"
I shout, trying to be heard over all the different noises around us. I don't care if I sound mean, I'm upset, and I want him to know that he's sacrificing our team by doing this.
"Do you want me to take points while I'm at it? For your tongue?"
My eyebrows furrow, and I take a step back. What's gotten into him? He's always reluctant about taking points from us, he normally sweeps our behavior under the rug. This is honestly a load of shit. I get more fed up the longer I'm in his presence. I throw my broom into the snow at his feet, not caring about getting him dirty.
"I see why most people don't like you. I hope you know my team won't forgive you for this."
I snap back. Other houses don't like him, he's callous, sarcastic, and doesn't hesitate to make them look bad or to remove points. He earned a reputation too.
"That's 50 points!"
He says, louder than before. Through my anger, I didn't realize that Professor McGonagall was here the entire time. I heard her mutter 'Severus' in a surprised tone to his punishment. Just as shocked as I am. My eyes glance to her, and then back to Snape. Who's glare hasn't let up.
"At this point, just give me a damn detention!"
I shout. I bend down, pretending to tie my boots when I grab a clump of snow and dirt. I smush it into a lopsided orb and chuck it at him. I hear a soft thud when it comes in contact with his chest. I give him one last glance before turning on my heel and heading towards the locker rooms. I know he's seething and I know for a fact he can't make a scene, especially in front of everyone. That thought, makes me laugh a short, cold laugh.
The snow crunches under my feet as I pick up the pace. At this point all I want to do is change and get back to my dorm. A wave of shame washes over me as I know this cost my team the match. And the fact I feel this way, is making me angry, let alone dealing with such a stuck up, frustrated teacher. I can see the locker room door in the short distance from me, thinking about how warm it'll be once inside.
"You wait just one minute. You and I need to have a little chat."
I stop dead in my tracks, I didn't even hear him following me. I know if he didn't catch me now, I'd be hearing something from him eventually. I might as well get my earful out of the way now.
"If you're here to take more points from us, just do it already and leave me be."
I reply. My tone as icy as the air around us.
"Don't you realize what you're doing, lashing out like this all the time?"
His question caught me off guard. The tone in which he spoke to me earlier is gone, disappointment, and defeat takes its place.
My feet turn up the snow below me as I turn around to face him. Do his features express the emotions he's speaking through?
The two of us lock eyes for a moment, and that moment stretches on to what feels like a few minutes. My eyes scan over his features, and my heart drops into my gut, feeling as if someone's trying to rip it from me. The look of sorrow, and humiliation are written all over him. I force my eyes closed and turn my head towards the ground.
"There it is again.."
I mutter.
"I don't understand it! Everybody, even you, my own teacher.."
"Why does everybody look at me like that all the time?!"
I snap through gritted teeth. I never understood why I received such looks growing up. My entire life people would look at me as if I was some sort of disease, vermin. I grew up used to such silent ridicule, it wasn't until I came here that I was accepted. That's why my house is as close to a family as I can say. Sometimes I'd catch other students, even other Professor's glance at me this way, but knowing I always had Draco, and Blaise, and my other house mates to come back too, I'd ignore it, and be fine. Never, have they ever looked at me that way, or ridiculed me. Professor Snape never did it before either...and now I can't even trust him..he's betrayed me.
He ended up just like everybody else.
"I'm not just a nuisance..or a no good Slytherin. I'm a person too! I am."
My voice cracks on my last words. I don't give him the time of day to glance up and see the horror on his face. The snow kicks up as I push off into a run. My thighs burn as I push myself to go faster and faster until I've reached the castle.
I don't care what state I've left my team, let alone my Professor. I slam my door loudly behind me, turning the lock until I hear the click. For safe measure, I shove a chair up under the handle so no one can get in. I know that Draco and Blaise will want to talk, but if I don't answer when they knock, they'll leave me alone. I'll have to apologize tomorrow morning when I see them for classes, but for now.
I need to be left alone..

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