Chapter Three: The Meeting

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The bell for classes ring, letting us know that the lunch hour has finished and it's time to get back to work. The five of us stand, grabbing our books and bags, and making our way towards the dungeons, for potions. The tension between Slytherin and Gryffindor have been rough since our winning, and we're all prepared for the attitude we'll receive when we meet them for joined potions.
As the five of us approach the door, most of our classmates are already there, waiting patiently for Professor Snape to unlock and open the door. Draco, Blaise and I rest up against the cool stone wall, listening to Goyle and Crabbe as they continue their plays. From the corner of my eye, I see none other than Harry, and his best friend Ron Weasley. Just like his sister, he's known for having a rather sharp and bitter mouth. Especially when it comes to quidditch.
"Not still mad about being pulled from the match, are you Riddle?"
Coming to a halt in from of me and my friends. His tone soured when he spoke my name, almost as if it left a nasty taste in his mouth.
"Shut it Weasley."
Is all I say, knowing that all he wants is a reaction out of me, or any of us for that matter. My gaze lands on the far wall behind him, ignoring the sudden angry expression written all over his face.
"Sounds like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, huh? You should fix that attitude of yours you know, it really hurts my feelings."
Said the red head, smirking on his last words.
"Knowing I'm stuck with you for the next hour, hurts mine."
I mutter, this being true. If it's not one thing, it's another with him. His older twin brothers were nothing like him and their younger sister. They were kind, humorous, and always pranking someone. They were the only Gryffindors to treat me and the other Slytherin's with respect. I've met Mr. And Mrs. Weasley once before and you'd think the kids would be nicer, take after their parents.
"You'd think after receiving that Howler earlier it would of been something of a wake up call for you? Hm?"
He snaps back, rather harshly.
My question is, how did he know about that? Only if he saw me walk into that closet and waited until after I left to see what I was doing, but I made sure no one was in the area before opening it up. That is rather odd. But the fact he knows about this, angers me. And that he's using it against me, enraged me. Before I realized what I was doing, my fist collided into his jaw, causing his head to snap backwards, and a few drops of blood hit the ground beside him. I feel Draco and the other boys stand around me, in a protective way in case Ronald tried something.
I heard Draco mutter. I turn my head to see what he's glancing at and it's none other than Snape. I most likely just got points taken away from my House. Damn.
"He already saw, I'm fucked. Sorry Draco."
I whisper towards him. Apologizing that he was slightly involved, just due to his stance, and for the oncoming lecture we're about to endure.
"Enough is enough, everyone inside. And settle down."
Spoke the potions master, slipping through the crowd of students. My house was whispering things such as 'nice shot' and 'about time' as they passed me and made their way into the room. The Gryffindor students on the other hand, stared daggers into me.
"Truly can't wait to see the Slytherin's lose points, and it's all because of Riddle. Again."
Commented Ron as he was sitting down, he and the students at his table all sniggered as I passed by.
"The only person in this room who will be losing points today is you, Mr. Weasley."
Remarked Professor Snape from behind the red head. I watched as Ron's eyes went wide for a split second before turning around. I bit my tongue to stifle a laugh at the fear etched across his face. I hear faint giggles from the Slytherin's side of the room.
"That's not fair Professor. I wasn't the one going around and hitting people."
Argued Ron.
"I will not hesitate to take more points from Gryffindor. Be cautious of your next words Mr. Weasley. You must remember, you were the one who started that little confrontation."
Continued our Professor.
Ron didn't say anything again for the rest of the period, he didn't even glance in my direction. For the next hour, we worked in silence as we made todays potion. Anytime Professor Snape made his rounds, he would linger a little longer by me when he was checking our cauldrons. I couldn't figure out his reasoning for this, maybe he thought we were doing really well or maybe thinking we were going to randomly punch the next person to walk by. 
At the bell, we collected our belongings and headed to our last class of the day, Care of Magical Creatures.
The final hour went by rather quick as we got lost in our work. When the last bell rang, we once again grabbed our books and made our way back up to the castle. The wind blowing gently as we pushed our way up the steep hill. Looking into the sky, I can see we're either about to get a thunderstorm or a mini snowstorm. Once inside, I part ways with the boys, as they want to go to the library to study, and I have to visit Professor Snape in his office.
The corridors are empty as most students are bolting to the library or their common rooms to sit by a fire. The corridors leading down to the basement level are slightly chilly, colder than usual due to the outside elements. At first I didn't realize what it was, absentmindedly, I scratched my left forearm, thinking I sustained a big bite when outside. The burning sensation grew and I peaked under my sleeve, revealing the coal black ink mark on my arm. The outline of the serpent, rose, creating a minor bump and tingling feeling.
My fathers calling.
I make a detour, running until I'm inside the schools boathouse. As this is one of the only areas on school property people can apparate and disapparate. I've never figured out if Professor Dumbledore knows or does this for a reason. The thought vanishes as quickly as it came, as I tucked my school books and bag inside one of the boats, concealing them. Within seconds, I'm outside the Malfoy Manor, which for some reason is my fathers meeting place when he wants to speak to his followers. I push open the large dark oak door, making my way through the entrance area and up the stairs. At the end up of upstairs hallway, outside of the large dining room, I hear muffled voices coming from the other side. I recognize them all, one being my father, while the others are Draco's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. I knock.
"Enter." Speaks my father.
I turn the knob and walk inside. Mrs. Malfoy, gives me a small, reassuring smile as I pass her and her husband. Lucius nods towards me, guessing from his behavior, my father is upset about something.
"Leave us." He says suddenly.
A small 'pop' can be heard as the Malfoy's apparate. Where they went, I have no clue.
"I'm so glad you could join me today dear. I have something to show you." He said.
"What is it father?" I question. Knowing him, it could be quite literally, anything.
It happened so quickly I didn't have time to process the visions I am seeing.
'The light coming through the window is dark, letting me know this occurred sometime late at night. I see my father walking through the very same room we're in now, the only difference is the table is gone and the floor is littered with mounds. My eyes focus and I see the countless bodies scattered across the wood floor. Blood seeping out of every visible orifice. I feel myself drop to the ground, my knees hitting the wood with a loud thud as he takes me back through the before events. I watch as people cry, scream, and try to run. A handful of people were banging on the very door I entered through, yanking on the handle to be let free. Green sparks fly past in multiple different directions.
I can sense myself screaming, with tears flooding down my cheeks but I don't hear anything. My chest hurts as I gasp desperately for air as panic hits me. Both palms are touching the floor in front of me, holding myself up. I flinch back as I see a faded burgundy stain. This happened recently, maybe as early as last night as I can now smell iron. Around me, more thuds are heard as more bodies drop.
I shout, my voice sounding miles away from me as I'm still stuck in the now repeating vision. The never ending cries fill my head as I rewatch the same thing four times.
"Why are you doing this to me?! Father! Stop!"
I scream. My head now pounding, and I bring my hands up to hold it, massaging my temples and forehead to ease the pain. The next thing I know is I'm staring in the empty room, the long table sitting in the middle, with the fire going.
"This was your 'final' warning. You step even the slightest bit out of line, I will not hesitate to show this to you again."
Says my father. His laugh echoing in the back of my mind. High pitched, and evil. Pure evil.
"I'm telling you now, next time, will be much worse."
He says. I don't have to be looking at him to know his red eyes are boring into my skull. All I could manage was a choked sob. I jerked my head in a short nod, to let him know I understand his very clear warning.
"Go. Get out of my sight and get back to school."
His tone turning sour. I didn't think it could get worse than what it was seconds ago.
I nod my head once more before apparating right off the floor.
My body comes in contact with the cold and wet stone in the boat house. I grip my ribs as they're still sore from the match. I roll onto the opposite side as I let out a groan, mixed with another sob.
Why must he be so cruel? I question myself. Why was I born into such a life? Where's mother? He never speaks of her, there were no pictures in the manor. Anytime I asked, I was shut down or punished. As I grew up, I let it go. Why would she let me live with such a horrid man? Even if he is my dad..
My sobs quieted, but I know my eyes are red as they burn now from becoming dry. I collect my belongings, and slip from the boat house. Making my way through the still empty corridor. Snape's office completely forgotten until I heard him call my name in the distance behind me.
I turn my head, throwing a quick glance at him. Even from here, I see the shock as his eyes widen, taking in my wet clothes and the fear on my face. I ignore him as he calls my name again, running full force to the common room. Luckily for me, it's empty. My friends still in the library. I look at the clock on the wall and realize I'd been gone for no more than 15 minutes. Before giving anyone the chance to come in, I bolt towards my room. Shutting and locking the door behind me. My wet clothes sit in a corner as I hop in the shower. The warm water runs over my head, drowning out any noises from the outside world. The realization of what I must do, hits me quicker than anything before.
I must kill my father.

But how?...Is the real question.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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