Chapter Two: Deep in Thought

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After tossing and turning for what felt like hours I finally fell asleep. When I woke the next morning, the sun was shining through the water of the dark lake and into my dorm, highlighting all the water life outside. I stretched, a long, deep stretch, relieving all the tension from yesterday's game and that's when I felt the ache in my ribs and side. Remembering how I got that bruise, I scrunched up my face in disgust. I've never been humiliated that bad in a match before and I'd be pleased if I didn't have to deal with the Weasley's today. If possible.
I found my two friends, Draco, and Blaise at the end of the hall, waiting for me to head upstairs for breakfast. Professor McGonagall told them about the small dispute between me and our potions teacher that occurred during yesterdays game and they were furious. As we made our way through the chilly and slightly packed corridors I explained the talk we had by the locker rooms, leaving out all the sappy, sad nonsense I ended up spewing. By the time we got to the Great Hall and I started eating my porridge, the shame I felt exposing the way I feel, was gone and somewhere in the back of my mind.
Morning classes went by quick and smooth, as they always do the day after a game. Most likely due to everyone still chatting about the match. I did my best to tune everything out. To my surprise, my team won, their anger about my sudden disappearance and wanting revenge on the red heads got them where we needed them to be. A hundred and seventy points ahead, leaving Gryffindor with a pathetic eighty points. This news cheered me up greatly, allowing me to not give a damn about all the seething stares coming from passing Gryffindor students.
Our last class before lunch, was Defense against the Dark Arts. One of my favorite periods, not only because we have a good teacher, but I grew up around books and items that trapped dark magic within their vessel. It's something I'm familiar with, and good at. Inside, we took our usual seats. Draco beside me while Blaise and Goyle sat behind us. We all waited patiently for our Professor to arrive and when they did, I damn near almost threw my textbook in their direction. Professor Snape's long hair became visible as he slipped from the office door at the top of the small staircase at the front of the room. Why is he here? And where is our usual teacher?
"Open to chapter six, page 467."
He said in his cold, and even voice. The room fell silent as we did what we were told. Thick, leather book covers thudded against our desks, parchment paper being flipped through expeditiously. From the corner of my eye, I could see Professor Snape making his way up and down the isles between the rows of tables that lined this room. Something about  his casualness was causing a burning sensation in my chest. My temper and attitude towards him softened during the morning after the good news I received earlier, but now that I'm trapped with him for an hour just killed any happiness I had. I started going through multiple reasons to excuse myself and get out of this class. All seem as unlikely and stupid as the next one, but I don't care. The Ravenclaw's already see us as problem starters, might as well give them another reason.
"Who here can tell me what an inferius is?"
He voiced, scanning over the students sitting before him. This is such an easy question, I'd hope everyone would know something as simple as this. But yet again, I highly doubt the Ravenclaw's study as much as we do. I'd love to see someone embarrass themselves. Especially with the way Snape would react at that.
"How about you? Riddle?"
My head cocks slightly when I hear my name. Under my desk, my hand grips my cloak tightly, my knuckles turn white from the strain. Anger washes over me, how dare he address me? Without a second thought, I turn my head towards the left, staring out of one of the many windows that lined the opposite wall. I've seen other kids do this when they don't know the answer and normally it works. At most, they'd receive a disgruntled response from which Professor they pulled it on, but that would be it. They'd move on to another student until someone answered said question. For some reason, that's not what's happening with me.
"Speak when spoken too Riddle."
He said, his voice hitched slightly on my name but I highly doubt anyone else noticed that. I can feel the stares coming from the other side of the room where the Ravenclaw's sit. My friends would do the same if they were in this position, still being rather ticked off with our House Lead for his attitude towards me. I calculate the different forms of punishments I could possibly get if I was to walk out of this class. None of them seemed particularly rough and within a second, my decisions been made. I started collecting my books and quill, stacking them neatly as they could be with hasty movements. With one last side glance at Draco, who returns a small smile, I stand and head towards the exit. As I turn the knob, I hear approaching footsteps.
"For the time being, read the short chapter on
Inferi '. I'll return."
Said Professor Snape. Outside the room, I find a small nook to slip through. Keeping myself hidden long enough for him to search for me and then head back inside.
"Gone? So fast? How?.."
His tone was puzzled, a little shocked too. I had to stifle a laugh as I take in the fact he didn't even try to look for me. He probably thought he'd see my back in the distance as I made my way through the corridor. A moment later, the door to the DADA classroom opened and then closed. I come out from my hiding spot and decide on my next move. I'm closer to the astronomy tower than I am to the library or common room and I shouldn't run into anybody either. I take the stairs two at a time all the way to the top. I close the door quietly behind me, and walk towards the ledge. All around the school, snowflakes fall and dance in the sky. Turning everything for miles around white as they land. I place my books in a protected corner and sit myself next to the banisters.
My plan for coming here seemed like a good idea at first but the longer I sit here, the more my thoughts decide on making an appearance. Silly little things like 'don't forget your scarf and gloves when you go to Herbology later' and 'I wonder what will be served at lunch' pop into my head. But at the same time, darker and deeper things brew to the surface. 'What's wrong with you?' And 'what's the true reason for the looks I get?' And lastly 'why must I bare the burden of the title Riddle? Why me?'.
The bell for lunch suddenly chimes, pulling me away from the darkest places of my mind and snapping me out of my suddenly depressed mood. I collect my things and floor it down the stairs. Not stopping until I find Draco and Blaise outside of the Great Hall.
"You should of seen his face when he came back in. He seemed so confused."
Remarked my blonde haired pal.
"I don't think I've ever seen him so puzzled."
Blaise followed with.
I reply with a short, pleased laugh.
The three of us take our usual spots in the middle of the table, closest to sun filled window. The boys scoop up some sandwiches and chips, while I stick with a pumpkin pastry. Morning and mid day meals are light for me, the only time I truly eat more is at dinner time. A few minutes later we're joined by Goyle and Crabbe. The take the empty seats across from us and grab the same things Draco grabbed. Between mouthfuls of food, we're sipping on warm tea or juice.
The crowd of students spread amongst the different tables gasp as a large collection of owls swoop in through the highest open window. On the rare occasion, the owls drop mail during lunch rather than breakfast. This could be from weather, or catching last minute letters and gifts from family members. A pale envelope drops into Draco's plate, sending a fry or two onto the table. A second later a bright colored envelope drops into my food. I recognize this to be a howler, one of many I've been sent by my father over the years of being a student. My hand grips the thick red parchment, causing it to grow creases from being squeezed.
"Hurry, into the corridor."
Spoke Goyle when he spotted the colored paper in my hand. My entire friend group has received at least one of these letters growing up and we all found a secure spot in the corridor outside that mutes the screaming from everyone in here.
"Excuse me."
I said as I pushed myself from the table, walking swiftly outside. I receive a few glances as I make my way towards the exit. Running a little ways up the corridor, I dip into the one empty room, an old broom closet I think. It's too small to be a classroom but It doesn't smell of past cleaning chemicals either. I leave the door open by just a crack, knowing that if it shuts, I'd be locked in. It wouldn't be a problem since I have my wand but why add an extra hassle?
My heart races as I fiddle with the small seal on the back of the envelope. It wiggles it's way free from my hands and drops a few inches before the voice begins.
"I am absolutely disgusted!"
Began the very familiar voice of my father.
"Picking and starting a fight over something as trivial as quidditch!"
It continued. I had a feeling this was coming. Knowing Dumbledore, he would of sent out a letter to my family and the Weasleys, if he didn't let this slide, that is.
"I don't want to near the manor on holiday so don't think you'll be welcome at home! You are no child of mine! Absolutely pathetic."
The irate voice continued to spew out insults and derogatory remarks. I drop the letter on the ground, a small splash sprays out around my feet when the letter came in contact with the water.
"Father of the year.."
I mutter as I push the door open, leaving the voice behind, letting it fade away in the distance. As I make my way up the corridor I hear distant footsteps coming from behind me. I take a chance and peak at who is heading this way. And to my dismay, it's Snape. His eyes glanced at me, then towards the door I just came from, and then back at me again. I picked up my pace until I was safely back inside the Great Hall. Barely two minutes have past since my abrupt exit. I rejoin my friends who are now going over the plans for our next training session for Quidditch.
"Everything okay?"
Asked Goyle as I sat back down, his eyes scanning over my face for any signs of trouble.
"Yea, my dad was a little annoyed about the fight but nothing serious."
I wave my hand to show it wasn't anything big. I don't want my friends to know about the horror of my father and how he behaves when angry.
The five of us continue on with our meal, going over different plays that would work over Hufflepuff, which is who we're playing next semester.
The sudden sound of my name snaps me away from what's going on front of me. Everyone within hearing shot at the Slytherin table looks up, and we're all met with the same sight. Professor Snape hovering over Goyle's back. I swallow.
I reply, glancing nervously at him, hoping I don't see that look again. As I take in his expression, I get the impression of sadness and an overwhelming sense of forgiveness. That's interesting.
"My office after classes this afternoon."
He says, his voice and tone much softer than how they've been these past few instances.
"Yes sir."
I reply rather quickly. I kick myself internally for that one. He turns on his heel, his cape blowing around behind him. His long hair falls down his upper back as he walks from the Great Hall. I wonder what that's all about.

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