Chapter 2

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When it was time to go home Asher met up with Fiona and said "So, what do you think happened to Jonas?" He asked nervously, gripping his handlebars.

" I'm not sure, but he must be alive right? We haven't got any new memories." Fiona said worried, trying to calm down Asher and herself.

"Right." Fiona could tell that Asher was still nervous by the way he was holding his handlebars on his bike. Silence filled the void all the way back to their dwellings. When they arrived Fiona and Asher said goodbye and went inside.

"Hi sweetie." Fiona's dad said

"Hello father." Fiona replied motionless trying to hide the fact she's worried about Jonas.

"How are you?" He paused, "I heard the announcement, I know Jonas was a good friend of yours." He said concernedly.

"I'm just feeling worried and sad." She said truthfully wanting not to talk about

"Makes sense, do you want to talk about it?" Her father asked because he cared.

"No, I don't want to talk about it." Fiona said truthfully

"Okay, it's almost supper time." He said

"I know." She said with a smile trying to convince her father that she was fine as she walked to her room to study.

A few days passed after the announcement and everyday was the same as the other, except this day. As Fiona and Asher said goodbye to each other, an announcement went on the speaker. The receiver in training search is over... we can't find him. Do not panic. The ceremony of Jonas will be led by the current receiver of memory on Friday after your daily activity, by the river. All of sudden Fiona could feel her heart dropping.

"They didn't find Jonas!?" Asher said very worried, raising his voice a bit. "What are they going to do!? He was the receiver of memory!" Silences himself. "I apologize for yelling. I just got worried." He said sincerely

"I accept your apology Asher, I'm worried too." Fiona said in a very nervous voice.

"I'm feeling, out of sorts, no I'm feeling sad." She said holding on to the handlebars of her bike loosely.

" Me too, let's go back to our dwellings Fiona. Maybe we should check on his family?" He said thoughtfully.

" I think we should just talk to them tomorrow at the ceremony, let's not be rude," she said, thinking deeply on how they might feel.

It was the next day, Fiona couldn't think of anything else beside Jonas. She couldn't stop even during training. She asked herself constantly what happened to the memories? What happened to Jonas? Then the time came, after training Asher met up with Fiona and asked,

"Are you ready for this?" Referring to the ceremony nervously.

"No, but I must do it." She said trying to hide her sadness and showing a strong tone. As they biked to the ceremony they recalled memories of Jonas and all the fun they had with each other. Laughing with each other, but when they arrived it was as silent as the grave of Jonas. Everyone took their seats. Jonas's family was in the front, while Fiona and Asher sat in the second row behind them. They waited nervously and quietly for the ceremony to start. Then they saw someone in a robe of sorts and realized it was the current receiver who was going to lead the ceremony. He looked very old and tired to Fiona and Asher. Then he started to speak.

"Jonas was a very important person in this community, he had shown excellence in his language and when the time had came he was chosen to be the receiver of memories." He paused for a second "When I met him he was very curious and intuitive, always wanting to know more." " I know you're all in a panic because of Jonas's memories, but I will help you." You could see he was thinking of something by the way his face looked. "I apologize in advance for my language, but I loved Jonas" love? Fiona thought to herself what was love? All of a sudden he started to chant "Jonas, Jonas ,Jonas" the giver went on and everyone else followed. As Fiona chanted with them she could help but to think about the day he was chosen. She remembered herself chanting his name in pride back then, but now she was only chanting his name in sorrow.

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