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October 31st 2021
Los Angeles California 

Maya's childhood was awful. Her birth parents would abuse her, throw things at her, and even starve her. Sometimes her parents were very strict on her. She could hang out with or talk to boys. Her mom, Star, and father, Brandon, hated the fact that she liked white boys. They would tell Maya that she could only date light and dark skins.

They would hit and burn Maya with different objects, like beating her with a stick or hitting her with a belt. One night, Ms. Harris  their neighbor called the cops because she heard screaming and yelling. Two cops showed up at the house, Officer Cole and Officer Jacob. They knocked on the door and stayed and asked what you guys were doing here. Cole said we needed to check the inside of your house, so she let them in. They noticed broken plates and glass everywhere. They went upstairs and checked Maya's room. They found her on her bed with bruises all over her little body.

They asked Maya questions like, Sweetheart, can you tell me who hurt you? Maya replied, Mommy and daddy hit me with stuff, and my back and arms hurt even worse.Cole asked Jacob, Can he step out? Yeah, man, and that's when Cole broke down and cried. He always wanted to have kids of his own. Cole and Brianna tried for a baby, but sadly, Brianna had a miscarriage.

So he pulled out his iPhone and FaceTimed Brianna. She answered on the first ring, Hey baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying? What happened? Please tell me. Brianna was panicking at this point; she didn't know what was going on with her husband, so Cole replied and said, We found a little girl named Maya, and she was abused and has blood and cuts on her body. Brianna said, Omg, who would hurt a child? Your own child. At this point, Brianna was so angry that she wanted to fight Maya's parents to see how they liked it and how it felt to hurt a child. Cole told Brianna that he loved her and that he would be home soon. Okay, I love you, Brianna said back, and Cole hung up the phone.      

Officer Jacob picked up Maya's small body and took her outside and put a Police hoodie on her body while Cole went inside and said, Star, you are under arrest for child abuse and endangerment. He got into the driver's seat and drove them down to the station and put them in a cell. After he did that, he knocked on his captain Mike's door and said that Maya didn't have any related family left. His captain said, Well, she had to go into the system unless you have another way or somewhere else to take her. Jacob sighed and said she could stay with me and Brianna until we could adopt her. 

After he left his captain's office, he went into the break room, where Jacob took Maya, who was eating a bag of chips, a sandwich, and a brownie. He took her to the hospital so they could bandage her wounds. Hey sweetie, what are you doing? Maya looked up at him with sad eyes and said, Are the bad people going to take me away and hurt me? No, sweet heart, they will never hurt you. They are behind bars now. How would you feel if you stayed with me and my wife Brianna? Maya nodded her head. All she ever wanted was to feel safe and Loved and have a loving family to care about her.

Are you hungry, sweet heart? Maya shook her head. Yes, okay, pumpkin, how does McDonald's sound? Oh, yay, I love McDonald's. I've never had it before, she said in her little voice. So he went through the drive-through. They gave him the food. He got Maya chicken nuggets, a double cheeseburger, and a fruit punch with a strawberry. Macflurry 

They finally arrived at the apartment, which consisted of three bedrooms. He went and got out of the car and unlocked the door. Brianna, I'm home! he called out. She came into the living room where he was holding Maya. She just smiled at her husband. She always loved children and always wanted one, but Maya was so perfect to her. She loved her already.

Brianna was just smiling at little Maya. She loved kids so much, but ever since she had a miscarriage two years ago, she was depressed, but of course Jacob was always there for her. Brianna is mixed, her mom being black and her dad being a white man. Her parents were always there for her through anything, but both her parents passed away from cancer, but she knows they are always with her through everything.

Brianna, can you put her in the bedroom we made her? Jacob asked her, Oh yeah, sure, I'll take her. She took Brianna into her room, which consisted of a desk with a mini Macbook and other supplies for her and a mirror with a night light at the top. She put Maya in her bed and tucked her in.

Maya's birth parents were sent to prison for 20 years each for child abuse and other stuff that happened to Maya. Both parents wanted the little girl to die; they wanted Maya to suffer and not be with a family that loved or cared about her. Maya is 17 years old and has to suffer for the rest of her life and see a counselor. All Maya wants is to have parents that care about her take her to different places. She always wanted to go to the aquarium and zoo and also see her favorite music artist Olivia Rodrigo.

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