💬 Group Chat #1 💬

311 3 41

Gwen: can we talk about Melanie Martinez's music for a second here. Please.

Noah: I hate you all ❤️

Leshawna: Her music is BOMB.

Trent: As another musically talented human, I can clarify ☺️

Owen: she's got lots of songs about food 😋

Courtney: Owen,... those aren't about food... the foods just a symbol...

Geoff: Play Date is the ultimate Duncney song

Courtney: I can and I will sue you.

Duncan: Hey were literally dating

Courtney: *Hey, *we're

Courtney: That does not mean I like you.

Bridgette: That's actually exactly what it means

Heather: Take me out of this right now.

Leshawna: Gladly 😁

Leshawna has kicked Heather and Noah out of the chat

Gwen: U all suck I just wanted to talk abt her music

Lindsey: Where's Tyson?

Tyler: it's Tyler 😔

Duncan: haha lmao

Justin: Ew. Ugly peasants. And Courtney.

Courtney: I appreciate not being called an ugly peasant, but I will put a restraining order on you.

Duncan: I'll mess you up pretty boy

Justin: Ty for the compliment

Beth: Brady doesn't need to know Justin. You should come over.

Justin: I'd rather get acne.

DJ: Hey y'all!

Duncan: Sup my man

Ezekiel: Yo yo yo bros and people with boobs

Eva has kicked Ezekiel out of the chat

Duncan: I don't blame him boobs r gr8

Courtney: stfu

Eva: Shoot now I have to talk

Gwen: says who?

Eva: I still hate you Bridgette

Bridgette: I know.


Geoff: chill out dudette

Eva: do not talk to me

Courtney: I like her. She's got fire.

Bridgette: I thought we were friends

Izzy: I stuck a whole bag of jellybeans up my arse

Duncan: Cool! Can I see

Geoff: I'll take a piece of that action

Katie: Hi Sadie!

Sadie: Hi Katie!

Duncan has kicked Katie and Sadie out of the chat

Duncan: send pics

Izzy: they fell out

Geoff: oh come on! Life sucks!

Bridgette: 👁👄👁

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