Chapter 1 (Edited)

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"On the outskirts of the omniverse of presence...

Goku: Hey, where are we going?

Presence: I'm going to leave you in one of my universes, Immortal Lord." (He said it in an obvious and mocking tone.)

Goku: Well, you can say that I'm like a god now. It's almost impossible for them to kill me.

Presence: Hahaha, the reason why I brought you here is that you are very interesting and the most powerful mortal of all." (He speaks, looking at him serenely.)

Goku: Hahaha, you can say that.

Presence: And tell me, why did you agree to come to my omniverse?" (He asks, curious.)

Goku: The truth is, I had other plans, but this type of proposal does not appear very often in existence." (He smiled excitedly and, at the same time, a little terrifying.)

Presence: Hahaha, I like to hear that. If that's all, we'll see each other on the other side." (He sends him through some kind of portal.)

Goku: Shit! Where did he send me? Damn son of a bitch, he did that without warning.

Presence starts talking to Goku telepathically.

Presence: Hahaha, it's not a big deal." (He said it in a mocking tone.)

Goku: You did it on purpose. You're a damn garbage! You owe me one!" (He said it annoyed and a little dizzy, then proceeded to get up from the place.)

Presence: Hahaha, sorry, sorry. Well, I'm going to give you some things so that you can live in a way, so to speak, 'normal' in society.

He gave him a briefcase, and Goku proceeded to open it, taking out several things such as birth papers, an American-Japanese passport, and a credit card with 300,000 dollars in it.

Goku: Well, I think I'll be here without any problems, and you can do me a favor.

Presence: Yes, what would it be?" (He asks with curiosity.)

Goku: You can change my clothes for something more normal, so as not to attract attention.

Presence: Okay, but close your eyes.

Goku, somewhat confused, closed his eyes, and then Presence said, "Well, open them." (With a burlesque tone.)

Then, a mirror appears in front of Goku.

Goku: What the fuck? You just gave me this? This is not what I wanted!" (He is wearing a pant coat.)

Presence: You look elegant, and you also look great." (Said Presence without removing his smile.)

"But with this, I won't be able to train or fight!" (Goku said with annoyance.)

Presence: Hahaha, about that, there is no problem. The resistance is much better than your old suit, so bye." (He then disappears out of nowhere, as if he had never been there.)

Goku: That son of a didn't give me any information about this world. I took his briefcase.

Goku: Let's see if this new world can amuse me. In Metropolis 2014...

Our God Saiyan was walking through the streets, observing everything around him. He noticed that the architecture was very different from that of his world.

Not only that, people were watching him, particularly women, and he was receiving looks and some comments such as "Look, it's as if he were made by the same gods."

Goku simply ignored them and prepared to acquire the essentials of this world, like a phone that would be very useful in this literally unknown world, which  made him even more excited.

Goku: Wow, I need communication and a place to stay." (He said it with a heavy sigh.)

After walking for a while, he saw an Apple Store.

"Excuse me, sir, how can I help you?" the worker said.

Goku: I want the latest model.

Worker: Of course, we have that. This model is one of the latest technologies, and it will only cost you 950 dollars.

Goku took it and looked around, then said, "Hey, boy, do you know where there is a luxury apartment? I'm new to the city."

Worker: Yes, of course. Three blocks to the right, there is an apartment that has become famous. The rent is expensive, 3000 dollars a month." (He said calmly.)

Goku: Okay, thank you." (Said Goku.)

While walking, he had to ask some people for directions since the boy's instructions were not so precise.

When he arrived, he quickly went to the receptionist and asked her where the owner of the building was. She told him that he was on the top floor.

Upon arrival, Goku showed him all the necessary documents and made an advance payment for 3 months.

The owner of the building said, "Top floor, room 1323."

Goku simply nodded and left the place after settling down. He went for a walk to see what was happening, and thanks to his hearing, he could hear two teenagers saying that Gotham City was rotten and that Batman was not enough. They believed that due to his moral, people like the Joker killed hundreds of people.

Then they moved away from the place. Goku put on a smile like Black's.

Goku: So, next, it's time for me to find this guy." (He said it with a little evil laugh.)

Then he began to search for information on Google, browsing news, articles, and independent newspapers. But there was one that caught his attention, apart from the subject of Gotham. It was about someone who was supposed to be a Kryptonian and was considered a god due to his strength.

Goku found it amusing but decided that he would go to Gotham first.

He hid in a place where there were no people and flew to Gotham.

After three minutes, he arrived in Gotham City. The place seemed like crap, and it smelled terrible. The city looked deteriorated.

Goku: Better look for that place." (Suddenly, he stopped at a police station, seeing several posters of wanted criminals with huge rewards.)

One of those was Poison Ivy, 60,000 dollars alive or dead. There were also others for the Joker and Harley and many more.

He had to accept that Poison Ivy was attractive, but work is work, so he went to the last place where she was seen.

Goku: Rock Museum." (He said it with a malicious smile.)

With the help of the cell phone tracker, he was able to reach his destination. He couldn't see anything, so he concentrated, and he could feel two presences almost in the same place. He teleported near them and said, "Boo."

Poison Ivy: Aaaa, who are you? How did you get in here?

Goku: Calm down, beautiful. I'm just here for a reward.

Poison Ivy: Don't call me beautiful, and what would that reward be?

Goku took out a poster with her face.

Goku: I think it's clear now.

Ivy: If you want to live, it would be better for you to follow my orders and leave.

Goku: Hey, bitch, you'd better calm down! I'm not your dog to follow your orders, and you certainly can't control

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