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Once upon a time, there was a little fat kid named Jeremy. His parents had decided to treat themselves to a holiday in the Bahamas after a long year of 9-5 slavery. Jeremy was your typical spoiled only child, so he got lots and lots of food at the poolside bar on holiday.  He would have an average 2-3 milkshakes an hour, and 15 dinners, one per minute he stood in the water.

One day during this excursion, Mr and Mrs Fat decided that they would go snorkeling. Jeremy was told that he should watch out for rays and eels. Instead, when he jumped in, a whale started swimming in the water. He then got eaten by a huge crab called PETER.

PETER was no ordinary huge crab. his shell was  a rainbow and he acted extremely quirky.

Jeremy got eaten by a gay huge crab called PETER.

Happy pride month.

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