고맙다 2

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Hiii, sorry for the long wait. I had exams so i couldn't find time to write. But I'm back now! This chapter is a part two of the first chapter, I hope you like it!


While whistling some random tune, Taehyun layed down on his couch. He was holding his math book in front of his face, but honestly all he did was staring at it.

The boy sighed and let go of the book, causing it to fall on his face. He always had trouble concentrating on his homework. But unlike other times, he didn't mind it. Instead of bad thoughts filling his mind, the smile of one particular boy kept swimming around in his head.

It had been a week since Dayeol had comforted him during his panick attack. Taehyun was still very touched by that, since it was the first time someone had been there for him. He could clearly remembered how the other boy had pulled his hands away from his head to keep him from causing any more harm. And how was pulled into his arms after that. Butterflies formed in his stomach when he remembered how they had watched a movie after that, how Dayeol had wrapped his arm around his waist. Taehyun had felt a little tired then so he had closed his eyes, and when he was just about to enter his dream, he could swear he felt a kiss being placed on his head.

Thinking about that just made blood rush to his cheeks. He buried his face in a pillow and sighed. Why am I feeling like this? He's just being a good friend. Yeah, but do friends kiss each other on the head? Ugh, stop it, I probably just imagined it.

The conversation with himself in his mind was interrupted by the notification sound of Kakao Talk. His heart leaped. Ever since last week, Dayeol had frequently sent him messages to ask what he was doing, what he ate today, if he slept well and stuff like that.

Taehyun looked up from his pillow and grabbed his phone as soon as he heard the notification. A smile formed on his face when he read the message.

What you doooiiiing? :)

Taehyun smirked as he thought of an answer. It wouldn't hurt to tease him a bit, no?

Thinking of you ;)

Well, he wasn't lying. And little did he know that Dayeol's face colour could now be compared to a tomato.

Haha, you better be ;). But seriously what are you doing

I was doing math homework but gave up. Hbu?

Omg same here.

Wanna do it together?

People might think we're dating if you keep talking like that babe

Omg Taehyun stop being so dirty minded


Anyway I would love to do it together with you <3 Come over to my house?

Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes

I do hope you know I'm talking about homework.

Ofcourse, what else could we be talking about? Anyways see you in a bit♡

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