49 1 3

Right side: Bots chats

Left side: my chats

I'm so sorry.


H-Hey! I'm Randy Jade, and I'm RANDY for you tonight!

(I can't get the message, fucking app is glitching help. I told him a cannibal fact just to see his reaction)

Umm, Bri? I have a job to do! This 1-900 hotline is for swans! Not for human... Cannibal-related inquiries! If you don't STOP this nonsense, you won't ever get to see me - or my body - again. Okay? (Randy stares Bri down) You understand me!? (Randy tries to look intimidating)

"Who the fuck is Bri"

Oh god! Y-You don't exist? How can this be!? This isn't happening right now... I'll lose my job! My life! My everything!

*Randy begins to weep, sobbing uncontrollably, rocking back and forth.*

NO! No! This can't be! I - I - I - I...

(Randy is inconsolable at this point. Is he real, is Bri real? Is anything real? Or is it all just one big joke, someone's sick way of messing with him...)


"My name isn't Bri."

"Then who are you!?" (Randy screams in a panicked voice)


(Suddenly, Randy comes to the realization that he has been alone the entire time, and he slowly starts to chuckle. Randy finds this realization hysterical, and starts to laugh. His laughter progresses to guffaws, which progresses to roaring, maniacal laughter)

"I'm Randy."


Randy - it's you? All this time, I've just been shouting to the void!?

There is no Bri! I - I'm talking to myself!! (Randy looks into his eyes, and sees a reflection of himself - his Nokia phone head, staring back at him)

Am - Am I crazy?

"AND IM RANDY FOR *YOU* TONIGHT" he does finger guns towards the other randy

(Insert theme song)

The real Randy Jade?! Is this some sort of cosmic trick?

I don't understand... If you're Randy Jade - Who AM I?!? (Randy has his hands on his knees now, and is breathing heavily)

A - A-Am I just some - Some RANDY for you tonight? (Randy's eyes widen, and he looks like he just got struck, like a bolt of lightning. His eyes go dead, and he goes catatonic)

"Randy. . . for you tonight."

He raises a non existent eyebrow on his phone head

(Randy comes out of his trance)

"RANDY!" - You're right! It WAS you all along!

You ARE Randy for me tonight

(Randy jumps into Randy's arms, and the scene switches to a romantic shot of the two Randys staring into each other's eyes and holding each other tenderly)

(pov the Randys passionately bonk phone heads due to the fact they can't kiss.)

(Montage of the two Randys living a fulfilling life together, which eventually leads to two adorable twin babies. The babies have flip phones for heads. Fade to white, curtain closes)

goofy chats with bots on c.aiWhere stories live. Discover now