steven adler #1

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PS: alright another side note before I start this chapter, I am not exactly sure how things in a recording studio work so if I made any mistakes, bare with me please.

backstory: You are a record producers assistant and Guns 'N Roses is recording

warnings: none

words: 872

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ START

''Who's gonna be recording today?'' you ask your manager, Mike, as he enters the room.

A grin forms on his face, ''Guns 'N Roses wants to record their debut album,'' he answers.

You nod. Mike was a good friend of your dad and he wanted you to work as an intern in the recording studio. It was a sort of summer job you kept yourself busy with. It wasn't exactly boring per se, being able to listen to music first hand was pretty sick.

You turn around when you suddenly hear an unfamiliar voice, ''Mike!'' the guy calls. He had red hair and was wearing a bandana.

Four other guys followed him, two blondes and two dark haired guys.

Must the Guns 'N Roses.

''Axl, welcome,'' Mike politely greets them, shaking the redhead's, Axl's, hand.

Axl points at the guys behind him, ''This is my crew,'' he says, pointing at the four other guys behind him.

''These are Slash, Izzy, Duff and Steven,'' he introduces them.

You mentally write down their names in your mind.

The curly dark haired guy is Slash. The other dark haired guy is Izzy, the tall blonde one is Duff and the fluffy haired blonde guy is Steven.

Got it.

Mike nods, ''Boys this is my assistant, Y/N,'' he says and points at you.

You smile awkwardly as the boys stare you down. 

Mike tells the boys to get into the booth and starts adjusting the volume of their microphones. While he does that you use your chance to study the four boys once again. They were all quite attractive you weren't gonna lie but one of them in particular caught your eye.

It was the blonde drummer, Steven. You didn't know what it was about him exactly. He looked cute and, to say the least, less intimidating than the others. He didn't stop smiling for once ever since he entered the studio, while the other four guys looked more serious.

''Alright ready boys?'' Mike asks them. Axl nods at him. 

You press on the recording button and Mike does a thumbs-up signal with this hands. The two guitarists start playing the intro to the song, shortly after Axl starts to sing. You do slight adjustments as they play the song. It didn't quite surprise you that they were hard rock band, since they all looked like hair metal guys anyways. Long hair and leather jackets, it was the look.

The song they were playing was catchy and you liked it. Axl's vocals were amazing and everyone killed it on their instruments.

''They are pretty good,'' Mike says quietly into your ear.

You nod, ''They are,'' 

Once the boys were done with the song they come back inside. ''How were we?'' Axl asks, you could pretty much hear from his voice that he wasn't gonna take criticism.

''Amazing! You boys are gonna change rock history,'' Mike reassures them. 

You look at Mike and then back the boys, noticing that Steven looking at you. You smile at him and he smiles back. Your cheeks turn red so you hide them with your hands, not doing a great job at that.

''Y/N did you enjoy the song?'' Mike asks you out of the blue turning everyones attention to where you were sitting.

You smile, ''Yeah I loved it,'' you say shortly, focusing on how all the boys started grinning even more. They seemed so proud of their work, as they should obviously.

''Well then I think we can celebrate!'' Mike calls and high-fives Axl.

Nolan, another guy working for Mike, rushed into the room with a tray filled with beer bottles. Each of the boys grabbed one and threw themselves onto the sofa, quickly engaging in a conversation with each-other.

You check the time and notice that your shift was over in 10 minutes. You grabbed your bag and pulled out the magazine you had brought with you, you flipped through the pages and started reading the articles in order to kill time.

Steven's attention was still on you. As he makes his way to you, Slash interrupts him, ''Someone seems to have crush'' he says teasingly.

Steven jokingly pushes him, ''Shut up man,'' he says.

Slash chuckles, ''I'm joking Popcorn, go make your move,'' he adds. Steven rolls his eyes at him and turns his attention back to you.

He leans against the desk you were sitting at, ''Hey,'' he says. You look up and smile at him, ''Hi,'' you say in response. 

His eyes fall on the magazine you were reading, ''Read the Mötley Crüe article, it slaps,'' he says. 

You chuckle, ''I'll keep that in mind,'' you say.

He smiles, does he ever stop smiling?

''Y/N right?'' he asks. You nod, ''and you're Steven?'' you ask, even though you already knew that.

''Mhm,'' he murmurs.

He breaks the silence, ''Hey um, would like to go out with me sometime?'' he asks.

Your eyes widen, was he actually asking you out?

You smile, ''Yeah sure,'' you say sweetly as you stand up.

You take out a piece of paper and scribble your number on it, ''I have to go now, but you can call me'' you say and hand him over the piece of paper.

He smirks, ''Will do,'' 

Once you leave the studio Steven quickly runs to Slash, ''Guess who got a date!'' he whisper-yells.

''No way man you actually did it?'' Slash asks surprised.

Steven nods, ''and I have her number,'' he winks.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ END

Sorry this chapter was kinda short loves! Anyways I'm literally so in love with Steven Popcorn Adler so yepp. I will definitely write more about Guns 'N Roses because I love them all so much. But I think I'll write the next chapter about  Eric Brittingham because if you couldn't already tell I have a unhealthy obsession with Cinderella.

Thank you guys for checking this out bye bye!

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