chapter two.

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❝What are we coming to?
What are we gonna do?❞

Pre-crash | 1996

Natalie's pov ⁺⸜

Jackie and Shauna had planned for us, the Yellowjackets, to all hang out before school starts. After all, our last year of high school is coming up. The others like Shauna and Taissa will be focusing on their academics as well as soccer practice; our goal is to make it to the nationals. In other words, they'll be too busy to be goofing around.

We were to meet up at the food court of our local mall.

I got there a bit earlier than the others. Specifically, I wanted to check if they had more albums by Nirvana I could add to my collection.

I head over to the record store, skimming the grunge/punk rock section.

Their 'Bleach' album looked cool. Debating if I should get it. I looked at the back of the vinyl, revealing the tracklist.

"That's a good album. You should get it" said an unfamiliar voice.

I turn around. The unfamiliar voice belonged to a tall brown-haired boy.

We talked for what seemed like hours at the record store. I lost track of time, I suddenly remembered why I even was at our local mall in the first place.

"Sorry. It slipped my mind. I'm supposed to meet up with my friends about an hour ago" I spoke out.

"I'll walk you" the brown-haired boy suggested.

I let him walk me. Luckily everyone was still where they were supposed to be.

I bid farewell to the boy. It went on for a bit. As if he didn't want me to go and wanted to further our conversation.

As I tried to part ways with the brown-haired boy I felt an eye on me. I know she's looking at me.

I know Lottie's looking at me. I look at Lottie's way and I smiled at her, almost like I was signaling to her that I'll meet with the group soon. I'll meet with her soon.

I know what Lottie was thinking already. This made further the conversation with the brown-haired boy. Whispering in his ear we should meet up sometime again before ending our conversation.

I know what Lottie was thinking already. This made me further the conversation with the brown-haired boy. Whispering in his ear we should meet up sometime again before ending our conversation.

My mind always goes there. Every time I'm reminded of Lottie, I do something like this. I meet up or plan to meet up with a guy. Maybe how I feel towards Lottie could eventually go away. But it never does.

I can't feel this way about her. Seeing her and spending time with her makes it hard to push what I feel for her away. Yet I can't get enough of her.

I've been a bit distant with Lottie nowadays. If only I was capable of leaving her alone completely. A part of me feels selfish for wanting her despite what I'm putting her through. As I try to act like nothing has changed. I knew she could tell that something was happening between us. Yet neither of us had spoken a word about it. Almost like we both came to an agreement to leave it alone altogether, without even communicating it.

I walked over to the group. They were all sitting down at the tables, with Lottie standing up.

"Hey guys, did I miss something?" I asked.

I didn't know what had gotten into me but as soon as I saw Lottie, I put my arms around her. She smiled at me.

That damn smile...

working on part three!
please be nice, this is my first time publishing a fanfic (⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄‸o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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What are we coming to? | Lottie x Nat ✧⁺⸜Where stories live. Discover now