chapter 7

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Hello everyone! I hope everyone enjoys my story 😊👍🏻. The main idea of making the story starts her ! Sooooo yeah here were the interesting parts starts 🔥.
Let's go💙💫:
Muichiro POV:

Months flows so fast . I Cottoned with everyone easy in kimetsu high school. My friendship with sheza and kera became so strong but i started to notice a strange behavior from kera . Not that she is acting less mannered. No she is acting as if something bad gonna happen. Maybe because she miss sheza or someone .Not only me noticed that . Also yuichiro noticed. Her strange behiver started when we were watching t.v at the living room of my house when a news pops on the screen

[A criminal organization called night demons appeared at Tokyo streets after disappearing for 5 years !]

[Blasting 2 industrial factories and kidnappings the famous sport player Guotaro and his sister . They asserts every crime they do by drawing an eye with a number on it with blood .]

As for sheza , she is acting pretty Norma. I know yuichiro won't confess it but i know that he has some feelings for her . He always fight and scream at her but when she is not around he seems to be so sad. She has been absent for a week now cuz her cousin is pretty sick and she needs to stay by his side .

Today, is our interview to mr. Dived one of most famous teachers of dojo . Oh i forgot to mention that me and yuichiro Consecutive won for 5 years in dojo international matches. Yeah we are pretty popular ("°•°") but we always wear masks that has mist drawings on it . That why we are called Mist twins. No one knows about that except these one that we trust.

Now, We are getting ready for this interview physical and mentally cuz after thjs interview we have to fight the STRONGEST student that mr.dived has .

(phone<< rinnng>>song)


"Oh mui ken it's me kera"

"Oh kera hello ! What's wrong? You're still coming right?"

"Yeah i wanna come! But Mui ken the closest train station to my apartment is closing today for fending so i might not make it in time "

"Don't worry i could ask my uncle to pass by your apartment so you could come with us "

"Mui ken i thinks this will be tir-"

"No it won't be don't worry "

"Mui ken ... thanks •°v°• i really appreciate it "

"It's okay . Get ready we will fetch you after 15 min from now "

"Okay ! Thanks again . Bye"

"Welcome . Bye"


The match was going to start after 10 minutes . Before we left the changing , i saw yuichiro sending a message to someone then he immediately closed his phone. He looked stressed. As we were walking to the arena were the fight will be .I saw our friends in the crowds cheering for us that made me feel so confident. I won't lose this match .

When we entered the arena we saw Mr.David's students was already there. The match was about to start , I posed my self in my fighting position ready to fight , the match was about to start, when suddenly! There was an EXPLOSION in the left side of the arena!!. People were screaming , running away for there lives. There was blood everywhere ! Men in black surrounded the entire arena . They were killing anyone the see .They started to head toward us . I was frozen in my place. I didn't know what to do . One of the black mens reached his arm to catch my hand . I was scared. I didn't know what to do. When Suddenly , yuichiro run to that man and kicked him near the neck making him full unconscious.

☆•°Besides each other °•☆ (Yui/mui) tokito × (sheza/kera)2ocWhere stories live. Discover now