Klaus My father

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Phoebe pov

So we're sitting in the living room after the party with my family and the Gilbert Salvatore and Bonnie tyler Matt and Caroline talking before I called my good friend who takes my son to Mystic Falls at this address and Freya asks

Freya: So who are you what is your story and who is your father here

Phoebe: Ok I'll say it all. My name is Phoebe Rose Mikaelson

Everyone looks at me in shock and I keep talking

Phoebe: My mother met a man 819 years ago she fell in love with him and he with her they loved each other one day he suddenly disappeared my mother found out that she was pregnant and he had disappeared then had me 818 years ago .

Kol: What was your mother's name and what kind of being are you what happened to you over the years

Phoebe: My mother, Claire Rose, and I are a half-witch, half-vampire, half-witch, werewolf, tribrid
I experienced a lot in my life my mother died in 1844 from a werewolf bite I cried a lot because I couldn't save her one day I punished Katherine we were friends in 1877 I met Stefan I had experienced a lot with him for 3 years
In 1888 I met him fell in love and even got together but...😢

Hayley: Oh that's a lot but who was he and why is there a but

Phoebe: can I explain I married him in 1895 and I met Katherine in 1896 but she betrayed me because my grandpa your father wanted to kill me because he thinks I'm a bustart but he didn't do it but he killed my husband
And I could never tell him I was pregnant, I was alone that's why I hate that bitch Kathernine

Elijah: How you were pregnant what happened to the baby what our father did to you

Phoebe: Yes I was pregnant in 1897 I did
Got a beautiful son, his name is Daniel Baker Mikaelson

Hope: Who is your father and how did you get your son's name

Phoebe: The name of my son Daniel Baker that was my husband's name and my father is you Klaus you are my father

Everyone is shocked and Klaus says

Klaus: what that can't be

I knew he didn't believe me, that's what I'm saying

Phoebe: this is Klaus, this is a letter from my mother

I give it and I take it

claus pov

She is asked who the father is, then she says

Phoebe: The name of my son Daniel Baker that was my husband's name and my father is you Klaus you are my father

I but others were shocked I can't believe I'm saying

Klaus: What can not be

She came and say

Phoebe: this is Klaus, this is a letter from my mother

She gives it to me and I take it and read

Dear Nick
I know why you ran away because of Mikeal but I will always love you no matter how far away you are I will miss you but you need to know something now
When you were gone I found out I was pregnant before you said that's not true you're part werewolf and can have children we have a beautiful daughter I hope you take care of her I can't anymore Nik I love you everywhere
Love forever, Claire

What that's true go to my daughter and say

Klaus: I love you little you are beautiful my daughter

She had tears in her eyes and I will always protect her like hope

Daughter Of Klaus Mikaelson FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora