What have you done with me

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Phoebe POV

I've been sitting here in Augustin for a week
And they kept coming for me and doing something to me, I don't know what
That I'm always bad

Here comes the bastard says

Wes Maxfield: Well you're awake how nice

Phoebe: What have you done to me and where is Enzo and why have you been holding me here for a week

Wes Maxfield: 1. You are pregnant 2. The Enzo as you call him has been in the lab for 1 month and is the father of the baby 3. It's not 1 week but already 1 month

He laughs and I say

Phoebe: What, why are you doing that, you're a pig

But he doesn't say anything more and goes out, someone comes in with Enzo, throws him in the cell and he goes, I'll call

Phoebe: Enzo wake up how are you

Enzo: I'm not fine, I know what they did to me

Phoebe: I know part of it, they took your sperm and planted it in me and managed to get me pregnant

Enzo: What I'm going to do Father I'm sorry Phoebe what happened to you

Phoebe: It's not your fault

We're still talking he says we're coming out and we're going to raise the kid together I hope I'll be taken out of here

Sorry that was short but the next ones will be a little longer, have fun reading

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