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"Just in case." I nod at her before turning away from her glistening eyes and grateful smile. I light up the cigarette and inhale deeply when I reach the terrace, Nate leans against the wall with his cigarette between his lips. He's giving me the look, he's been giving me the look ever since dinner started. There's something on his mind and he's been wanting to release it but is scared to. And because he's too much of a damn pussy to ask, I'm stuck having to deal with him staring at me with those questionable eyes.

"What is it, Nate?" I ask and place the cigarette on my lips, inhaling quickly. "Hmm? What do you mean?" He asks playing dumb. There's nothing more that I hate than a grown adult playing dumb.

"There's something on your mind Nate, either ask it or stop looking at me like that," I warn and lean against the opposite side of Nate. "Alright." Nate nods and faces me with a stern face.

"It's just us two gentlemen here Heath, tell me. What is it with this girl?" He asks and I groan silently. It's always about her. Every single question is about this damn girl.

"What about her?" I ask as Nate inhales what's left of his cigarette before tossing it away. "Don't play stupid with me Heath, I have known you since I was 14. We've grown up together, know each other's deepest secrets, and're best friends."

"Your point with all of this Nate?" I ask, inhaling the last of what's left of my cigarette. Nate rolls his eyes before continuing, "As I was saying, I've known you my whole life. I've seen you interact with many women before, but no woman has gotten close to getting the treatment this girl— a literal stranger— if I might add, has gotten out of you. And we've only had her here for a few days. So tell me, what is it with her?"

He's not necessarily wrong. And I hate it when Nate's not wrong.

"There's nothing with her," I lie. 

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, now drop it. If you wish to talk to me, talk to me about something else." I sigh and message my temples, Nate stays quiet for a few seconds before breaking it by asking: "So you feel absolutely nothing for the girl?"

I let out an exaggerated sigh before responding, "I genuinely feel nothing for the girl, I could care less about what happens to her." And as soon as those words leave my mouth a scream is heard from inside the house. Nate and I turn our heads towards the screaming and all we see is Aria pointing up the stairs with a horrified stare. "The screaming is coming from Isa's room. What is going on up there??" Aria asks mortified and I instinctively look over to Nate knowing exactly what's happening upstairs. Nate sends me the same facial expression before we nod and march inside the house.

Nate walks in first and goes straight to Aria. "What the hell is happening-"
"Oh Fuck!" Before he could finish his sentence, Isadora and Alaska came rolling down the stairs, attacking each other in the process. Nate instinctively pushes Aria out of the way and into my chest before Alaska and Isadora slam into him making him fall backward and slamming his head against the wooden floor making a very loud thud sound.

"YOU CAN'T RUN NOW BITCH!" Alaska screams and slaps Isadora across the face, making Aria sob fiercely into my stomach as glass collapses on the floors, the echoes of shattering glass ringing fiercely through our ears.

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