Ch 7

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(Minhyuk's Pov)

Sitting there surprised I gently touch the spot where he kissed me. Watching him enter his apartment I hesitate about leaving but figure he didn't seem to be experiencing any symptoms of heat yet so I reluctantly head back to practice. Once I make it back to practice I see the others give me curious worried looks. "Is he okay?" I look over at Peniel and give a little nod. "Yeah he's fine he told me I could come back to practice and isn't experiencing any heat symptoms yet." They all nod and we start focusing on practice again until late. As we finish up practice I wish the guys goodbye before heading home. Once I walk through the door I pause when I still smell Mason's lingering scent a small feeling of longing and loneliness filling me but I ignore it instead I send him a text saying I made it home before going to shower. Once I'm finished showering I head to my room immediately checking my phone only to frown when I see Mason didn't respond to my text but I chalk it up to him probably being asleep. Sighing I put my phone on the charger and climb into bed laying down only to immediately be unable to sleep something in me screaming that there's something wrong. Looking towards my phone I grab it and call Mason's number only for it to immediately go to voicemail I frowning before throwing my phone aside feeling a little agitated the phone thankfully landing at the end of the bed.

(Mason's Pov)

Entering mine and Jaeho's apartment I head to my room I suddenly getting a sudden urge and immediately start grabbing some of my clothes and blankets throwing them onto the bed and start particularly placing things. Halfway through this process I start feeling extremely aggravated when some things don't smell right. Grumbling I immediately start searching for the clothes I wore a few days ago getting frustrated when I can't find them. Growling I tug at my hair a little before looking out my window a sharp pang of loneliness filling me. I carefully climb into the nest I made but feel a little uncomfortable in it my skin itching I immediately curling in on myself with a whimper my wolf howling from loneliness and pain. After tossing and turning for awhile I finally doze off a little.

Only one for me (a Lee Minhyuk Btob x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now