Mandalorian Heritage.

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This was the chapter that I some how ended up deleting by accident! So if things don't add up a little in the future, that is why! Also, I'm making it longer than the chapter was supposed to be, only because I want to! 

First Person POV

I stood before the Holo table looking at Axle who had managed to contact me from Carlac of all places, Me and HK looked at the armoured warrior with a mix of confusion and personally loss of words, not only had Axle manage to find the old holo table used for contacting me during the old days of the sith Empire, the connection was still strong, so either it remained intact after all this time, or Axle and Judy had managed to fix it.

Y/N: So, hang on a and Judy are on Carlac, a place where I know for a fact the Mandalorians were displaced to, why in the world would I go there?

Axle: (sighs) These Mandalorians need redirection Y/N, they're not bad people...not all of them...but the leader here? Is a right kriffing prick....

Y/N: Sounds like a troublesome person...

Axle: He's ruining the reputation of not only our clan, but also every other clan that follows him, not only that, But I think he's got some shady business going on with a town nearby...

Y/N: A town? 

Axle: Some village...he's been having the girls come up here and...kriff me...I don't want to know if they've been used or anything on those lines, but I do know they make food and feed the clans here...

Y/N: (sternly) Axle...tell me...does the one they follow own a lightsaber?

Axle: Yes, yes he does...

Y/N: I see....Tell him they'll have a few visitors...we'll see if I can reform them...

Axle: Thank you Y/N, Judy has been getting stares by the men here, I've already had to beat two to death...

Y/N: (quietly) It gets the point across...(To Axle) We'll be there in a few hours, tell them not to shoot us down...

Axle: Will do, see you soon....

The transmission cuts as I turn to HK and surprisingly Aliiza who was now dressed and 

HK: Master, after what you told me about these former clan members, perhaps it's not worth going after them at all...

Aliiza: I kinda agree with HK on this one...These people are with a terrorist group Y/N....

Y/N: (Sighs) I know, but...I can't let my people die...

HK: False: They're not your people, they are mandalorians that are relatives of your former clan, you owe them nothing.

Y/N: But I owe every single mandalorian that died rescuing me, HK, you didn't even know where I was until I got a message out on Nal Hutta, If not for Mortiful, I would have died as well...

HK: That maybe so, but they have not benefited you whatsoever.

Y/N: But they could...they're part of the last largest group of mandalorians left in the galaxy...if I could gain the trust of those inside...

Aliiza: Y/ this because of that one survivor who had a child?

Y/N: Aliiza....that woman saved me...and I let her die...the most....disgusting way I could...Would you want your children--no--"our" Children growing up been slaves all their lives?

Aliiza: It isn't the same--

Y/N: --Then what is it?! Because right now, I'd be dooming them once more to been slaves to a terrorist! Not only that, but one of them is too young to be left alone in such an environment!

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