Chapter Three

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After walking until it seemed as if her legs would fall off, Rengoku's crow finally slowed down as they neared an estate, landing on the stone arch that outlined the entrance. Mizuki looked up to the sky, the sun was high in the sky by now, and she presumed it was around noon at this point. Mizuki stepped forward, poking her head around the entrance.

Standing near the entrance was a young boy, his hair the same flame-color as Rengoku's. He looked like Rengoku in miniature, just with shorter hair. He looked to be no older than thirteen. He turned around, spotting Mizuki out of the corner of his eye, and smiled nervously.

"Oh- hello. Is your name Mizuki Tanaka?" His voice was somewhat quiet and nervous as he addressed Mizuki.

"Yes, I was led here by Rengoku's crow." Mizuki replied, stepping in through the arch.

"Of course. He told me you would be coming." Senjuro smiled, "I'm Senjuro Rengoku, I'm his younger brother."

Mizuki extended a hand, smiling slightly as a gesture of goodwill, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Senjuro took Mizuki's hand, shaking it. "I'll lead you to him. He should be at the training area at this point." He turned away, leading Mizuki down the path in silence. Mizuki followed him, humming softly to herself as they walked, Soon, they turned a corner, and reached an open clearing. Rengoku was sitting cross-legged in the center of it, eating what appeared to be sweet potatoes.

"Ah- brother! I told you not to eat those yet!" Senjuro laughed softly, walking toward his brother.

Rengoku laughed, "Well, I saw them sitting there and I just couldn't resist! Your sweet potatoes are delicious!" He tilted slightly to see Mizuki, "Ah, young Mizuki! Come, sit while I finish." He patted the ground next to him. Mizuki stood there for a moment before smiling and sitting beside him.

"You can have some if you'd like!" Rengoku offered, shuffling the box in between them.

"Ah- no, it's really alright." Mizuki insisted, fidgeting with her haori uncomfortably.

Rengoku tilted his head slightly, "Have you eaten at all today?"

Mizuki's eyes widened, "Well- no- but I don't want to-"

"Take my food?" Rengoku raised an eyebrow, grinning, "Come on, I offered it to you! There's plenty to go around, and I don't want you training on an empty stomach!" He pushed the box closer to Mizuki, "Eat!"

"Fine." Mizuki rolled her eyes sarcastically, and Rengoku let out a huff.

"Did you seriously just roll your eyes at me?" He turned away, pretending to be offended, "How rude. And this is only the second encounter we've had!"

"You're just now getting offended by me?" Mizuki giggled, taking a sweet potato out and biting into it.

Rengoku laughed as well, "Wow, I have to say, I'm a bit surprised. When I met you, I thought you would be quiet and not want to speak at all!"

"He was worrying all morning when he got home." Senjuro added, smiling.

"Hey!" Rengoku shoved him gently, "It's a great thing you're not though! It'll make training you all the more fun!" He laughed loudly, eating the last of his potato.

"Oh, that actually depends." Mizuki swallowed her food, finishing it as quickly as possible, "I don't normally talk to people unless I have to."

Rengoku gasped, "So you're only talking to me because you have to? How rude!" He chuckled.

"Well, that and I don't mind talking to you as much." Mizuki laughed, shoving the last bit of sweet potato into her mouth.

"I'm glad of that." Rengoku smiled, tilting his head again, "Are you ready to begin?"

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