New Plane...Sort Of

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After last night's raid on the base along with the damage from a missile that damaged Alex's plane a Lieutenant named Erik Johnson said to Alex "You Talisman?" After acknowledging the officer Erik continued by saying "Follow me..I'll explain on the way." After a few moments the two climbed into Alex's car then Erik said to Alex "So we know your plane was damaged however we have some bad news regarding that..during the fight the missile not only destroyed the left engine but it destroyed the frame for it meaning the plane has no choice but to be scrapped. Lucky for you we have something in reserve since little miss Ronin is going to be with you until we can source another F16 for her." The hangar doors opened revealing this:

What was there was something Alex had flown in though granted it was only for a short time

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What was there was something Alex had flown in though granted it was only for a short time. Alex walked up to the plane and immediately he gave the plane little pat on the nose then he said "Hello gorgeous.." Alex always did the same routine with a plane granted the F15 he didn't have time for that but his whole plan with a new plane was to always give it a perimeter check then he would sit in the cockpit and make sure all of the instruments were working as they should be. However Alex was thrown off as he heard from Erik "This gorgeous plane as you call it is known by a new designation and that is the F-14E Hellcat." Alex looked inside the cockpit and noticed everything looked like it was from the F-22 Raptor and the F-35 Lightning which for him was both amazing but also a problem as Alex never had any seat time with the Lightning but his nerves were calmed when Erik said "Don't worry the F-35 instruments will be with Ronin, she's got experience flying the plane and using the instruments. Your gear is in the front seat and I've been told you've used the Raptor in the past." Alex smirked and said "Well more like used a simulator for the instruments but I've got a vague idea of how they work, would it be okay if I took the Hellcat up with Taylor for a bit so we can both gett accustomed to the equipment?" Erik nodded and said "She's already combat ready so you and Taylor should be okay if enemies show up while you're flying around. Just know in terms of time even after take off you'll only have around an hour of fuel." Alex nodded and after waiting for Taylor to show up the two climbed into the Hellcat only for Taylor to say through the radio to Alex "I'm not sure on how they did this with the instruments but damn if the boys didn't out do themselves this time." Alex chuckled a little then said "Yeah I agree...this is amazing. Taylor I wanna run a simple check just to make sure everything works as they should." She agreed to this then they did this:

(Using this for when Warwolf 1 does a check after getting hit with shrapnel)

After doing his flight check Alex's radar network started to ping 2 bandits approaching. He called the base about it only to be told "Land quickly for for fuel, is there someone you want up there with you?" Alex responded simply "Get my team ready..I wouldn't be surprised if this leads to more than just the two I'm seeing." Luckily for Alex the plane he was flying wasn't just an upgraded Tomcat the F-14E was also coated the same way as the F-22 & F-35 planes meaning to the enemy Alex might as well be invisible as well as being able to track enemies well past visual range. Alex had a radar network that was capable of spotting targets within 150 miles of his aircraft and that's if he doesn't want to scan a narrow area! Alex landed his plane right as both Zeus and Heartbreak were just taxiing to another runway. Zeus called to Alex saying "Well well...looks like you got the Hellcat! I've flown it before you to make sure everything added wouldn't hinder its weight and I must say I'm jealous of you Captain." Alex laughed and said to Zeus "Can't blame ya on that one...hey when you get airborne you'll see at least 2 bogeys roughly 30 miles from the base. I couldn't tell if they were fighters or not so don't engage unless you have to." Zeus acknowledged this as did Heartbreak who simply said "Don't worry kid...we'll be safe until you arrive."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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